Hudson to move Town Meeting to HHS parking lot due to COVID-19


By Dakota Antelman, Contributing Writer

Hudson – This year’s May Town Meeting will move outside to the Hudson High School parking lot, the Select Board agreed, Feb. 8.

Acting on still troubling COVID-19 data, Hudson’s leaders opted to act preemptively, this month, scrapping any plans for an indoor meeting and allowing town election officials to start the process of setting up an outdoor event.

“It’s unfortunate that we can’t be comfortable moving back inside yet,” Select Board Chair Joe Durant said Feb. 8. “But we’re moving in that direction.”

Hudson has done this before.

Last year, as the coronavirus brought public life to a screeching halt, officials postponed, and then held an abbreviated spring Town Meeting indoors with social distancing mechanisms in place.

Months later, voters gathered again, that time outside Hudson High School for last year’s November Town Meeting.

Though at times blustery, that event, Select Board members say, went well.

As such, this now scheduled 2021 May Town Meeting is expected to run with a very similar set up and set of procedures.

Per the Select Board’s Feb. 8 meeting, Town Meeting is currently scheduled to take place, Saturday, May 1 at 12 p.m. outside Hudson High School. Saturday, May 8 has also been slotted as a rain date.

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