Westborough Master Plan meeting to be held Feb. 18


Westborough town icon - Westborough Master Plan meeting is Feb 18.Westborough – The community is invited to attend the second and final Master Plan Public Meeting to be held virtually on Thursday, February 18, 2021 between 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

At this meeting, the community will be presented with the draft vision statement, goals, and actions – all of which have been crafted based on the town’s existing and projected conditions and associated issues and opportunities, along with the public/stakeholder feedback received on these items. The community will be asked to discuss the draft goals and build upon the identified actions to achieve the goals ahead of the Advisory Committee developing an implementation roadmap for the Master Plan.

Categories that will be discussed – transportation; housing; land use (includes zoning and regulations); economic development; diversity and inclusion; recreation; historical and cultural; infrastructure; climate change and sustainability; and public health.

Participants will have the opportunity to rotate through Zoom breakout rooms to that they have the chance to hear from officials and discuss all topics.

This meeting will be held virtually and can be viewed on Verizon 28 and Charter 192 or live streamed online at Westboroughtv.org.

It can be accessed for direct participation through the Zoom platform or by phone. See details below.

Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/westboroughmp-forum2

Phone: 1 (301) 715-8592

Meeting ID: 912 7419 8190, Passcode: 870662


For more information visit westboroughmasterplan.com.




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