Every great community deserves a great community paper


You drive our community news (cartoon image shows driver's seat of car with words, "Who drives local news? You do!"
Cartoon/Ed Turner

Region – Some people call newspapers passé, yet we find local residents are hungry for more news about their home town – and we are going to deliver! Starting this week, you are receiving an edition tailored to your own community, and it will only get better! If you want “hyper-local,” then you are reading the right paper.

As the big news corporations are walking away from community coverage, we are digging deeper. The Community Advocate is, and will always be YOUR community paper, so please do your part to help us grow and stay vibrant. Please tell our advertisers that you read about them in the LOCAL paper, The Community Advocate.

And when you hear about something that deserves community coverage, reach out to us at [email protected], call us at 508-366-5500 or send us a message on our social media pages.



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