Business in Downtown Westborough? We need your help!


Local Rapid Recovery Planning (LRRP) underway in Westborough

Business in Downtown Westborough? We need your help!
A downtown district denotes areas where Westborough officials are asking businesses to take a survey about the impacts COVID-19 has had on them.

After receiving a technical assistance grant from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) on February 1, 2021, the Local Rapid Recovery Planning (LRRP) program is underway in Westborough! DHCD has matched town staff with a team of consultants to help identify the economic impacts of COVID-19 on businesses in the Downtown area and develop initiatives for the Town to implement and make the recovery easier on its business community. For the first phase of this effort, the Town is seeking input from businesses located in the Downtown area on their experiences throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and how the Town may best support them going forward.

If your business is located in the area pictured, the Town of Westborough kindly asks that you complete this short business survey. The survey will close this Friday, April 16th at 11:59PM. This is your opportunity to share how COVID-19 has impacted your business and what role you think local government should have in the recovery.

Please only take the survey if your business is located in Downtown Westborough, as indicated on the map pictured.

If you have any questions about the LRRP Program, please contact the Town of Westborough’s Economic Development Coordinator, Zach Boughner, at [email protected]. You can also find more information on DHCD’s LRRP Website.

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