Shrewsbury Council on Aging extends van transportation hours


Photo by/Dakota Antelman<br />A Shrewsbury Senior Center van sits waiting to pick up its next passengers.

Photo by/Dakota Antelman
A Shrewsbury Senior Center van sits waiting to pick up its next passengers.

By Laura Hayes, Contributing Writer

SHREWSBURY – The Shrewsbury Council of Aging (COA) will be expanding its van transportation program outside of its scheduled business hours. 

Now, van transportation will include early mornings, nights and weekends through Dec. 31.

“We are excited to be able to offer transportation to seniors and individuals with disabilities within the boundaries of Yellow Cab and Safeway Luxury Transportation,” COA Office Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator Christine Moriarty said.

In addition to funding from MassDevelopment, the Council of Aging received a $40,000 grant from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council to pay for these services. 

“Seniors and those with disabilities have lives outside of our work hours, and we are so happy to be able to provide them the necessary transportation to get to and from work and appointments, even if the center is closed, at no cost to them,” Moriarty said. 

Like many senior centers, Shrewsbury’s COA already provides and coordinates transportation on a regular basis for any number of clients. Currently, it’s free to use those standard transportation services. However, fares on the vans will resume beginning July 1. 

Moriarty noted that all of the costs for these new extended hours will be covered in full by the Area Planning Council grant.

To learn more about the transportation program or to book your ride 48 hours in advance, call the Shrewsbury Senior Center at 508-841-8640. 

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