Truck strikes Westborough bridge


By Dakota Antelman, Managing Editor

A CSX freight train passes a tractor trailer stuck under Westborough’s downtown train bridge. (Photo/Dakota Antelman)

A CSX freight train passes a tractor trailer stuck under Westborough’s downtown train bridge. (Photo/Dakota Antelman)

WESTBOROUGH – A CSX train gingerly inched over the downtown rail bridge, Thursday, while a crumpled semi truck sat still wedged under the same bridge. 

This crash marked just the latest in a line of truck collisions with the bridge, which is too short to allow traditional tractor trailers through.

The incident took place in the early afternoon as a semi sheered off its roof and buckled its frame under the low clearance span. 

Roughly a block past the bridge, a pair of men wearing Harvey’s Trucks vests stood in a parking lot. They had just stopped by in town to pick up lunch. 

“Does this happen often?” one asked a Westborough police officer directing traffic in the street. 

“All the time,” that officer answered.

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