Capobianco, Odone respond to statement from Ziton, Martinek


Editors note: Planning Board candidates Theresa Capobianco and Glenn Odone issued the following statement this week in response to a statement from fellow Planning Board candidates Kerri Martinek and Anthony Ziton.

Dear Northborough Residents,

The Martinek/Ziton campaign alleged we abused campaign finance laws, specifically with respect to the payment of some expenses through Capobianco Law. Theresa owns 100% of Capobianco Law. It is a pass-through entity – 100% of the funds earned by the firm belong to Theresa to spend as she wishes. As the sole owner, she is not beholden to any other person or entity except herself and her family. The purpose of campaign finance disclosure is to identify the persons who have contributed to the campaign, and the expenses of the campaign. Paying campaign expenses through the firm does not obligate us to anyone, as 100% of the funds were Theresa’s earnings.

Glenn’s campaign finance report included an addendum which identifies that post-election, reimbursements will equalize the expenses between the campaigns. Reimbursements do not follow the same finance limitations as donations. Within thirty days after the election, we will submit the supplemental campaign finance reports which will identify expenditures from May 3 through the end of the reporting period and the reimbursements as required.

Our campaign has not accepted any donations from anyone despite having plenty of offers to support us financially. We made a conscious decision at the outset to use 100% of our own hard-earned money to fund our campaign expenses. We have held true to this decision. The implications set forth in the Martinek/Ziton campaign’s allegations of campaign finance abuse are a distraction from the real campaign issues: who will best represent the interests of ALL of Northborough on the Planning Board and who can effectuate the changes we need in Northborough? Northborough residents are certainly smart enough to see through the Martinek/Ziton campaign’s efforts to distract from these important issues.

We have run a clean and honest campaign. We have not thrown mud, nor have we put out false or misleading statements (although we’ve corrected many of the Martinek/Ziton campaign’s false/misleading statements). As before, thank you for allowing us to correct the record regarding our campaign finances.

Theresa Capobianco & Glenn Odone

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