Hudson returns to public meetings


Photo by/Dakota Antelman<br />Hudson’s Town Hall remains closed for now. It’s set to reopen, though, on June 1.

Photo by/Dakota Antelman
Hudson’s Town Hall remains closed for now. It’s set to reopen, though, on June 1.

By Laura Hayes, Contributing Writer

HUDSON — After more than a year of meeting by Zoom, Hudson boards will be returning to in-person meetings and reopening Town Hall, as of June 1. 

According to a press release, 44 percent of Hudson residents were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 while 60 percent had received at least one dose as of May 11. 

Masks will still be required to be worn in town buildings by visitors and town staff when they interact with the public or can’t maintain six feet of distance. 

The town is asking that its departments regularly sanitize spaces that are frequently touched like doorknobs and light switches. Additionally, the town has reported that spaces will be cleaned once a day unless people with either a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case have been in it. 

Town employees will self-certify before their shift that they haven’t recently come into close contact with someone who has been diagnosed, been asked to quarantine, shown symptoms or had a fever over 100.3 degrees.

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