Marlborough Schools to add grant-funded student adjustment counselors 


By Vicki Greene, Contributing Writer

MARLBOROUGH — After what has been a tough year for districts around the state, particularly affecting social and emotional needs of students in every grade, Marlborough is adding two grant-funded student adjustment counselors to its existing staff for the fall. 

This means that each elementary school in the city will have two full-time student adjustment counselors.

“Additional support will be needed as all of our students re-acclimate back to a school setting,” Assistant Superintendent of Student Services & Equity Jody O’Brien said in a May 25 report to the School Committee.

Elementary schools gain counselors

As each elementary school will have two full-time adjustment counselors, Richer and Goodnow Elementary Schools will be getting position added. They each have one full-time counselor working alongside a part-time counselor who splits availability between the schools.

That counselor will be moving to Jaworek in the fall, adding to the one full-time position now at that school.

Counselor staffing remains unchanged at MHS, Whitcomb

According to O’Brien, at the middle school level, Whitcomb Middle School currently has four full-time adjustment counselors as well as a clinician for it Transition Program.

Marlborough High School has five counselors as well as a clinician for its Bridge Program.

Federal and state grants fund COVID-related needs

Congress approved two rounds of federal funding to support schools in every state as part of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund.  

In Marlborough, much of that funding has gone into projects including upgrading ventilation systems and adding additional cleaning services and Personal Protective Equipment for the schools. 

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is now providing each district with an additional $10,000 to use for “student mental health supports.”

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