Hudson parents, staff satisfied with school district’s communication


Hudson parents, staff satisfied with school district’s communicationBy Laura Hayes, Contributing Writer

HUDSON — Parents and teachers are overall satisfied with how Hudson Public Schools communicates with the community, according to a presentation by Superintendent Marco Rodrigues to the School Committee May 25.

The survey was part of Rodrigues’ evaluation and his goal set last fall to improve communication. 

The district received 845 responses from staff and parents, and 80.1 percent of respondents were parents. 

The survey was comprised of nine questions, asking to rank how well the district communicated important information and student successes. The survey also asked whether respondents were satisfied with the district’s efforts to solicit feedback.

Overall, 81.2 percent of respondents said they were very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with HPS’ communication. 

The respondents also provided feedback on how Hudson communicates with its community. About 58% percent said the district’s website was informative and useful.

Some respondents asked HPS not to leave a message that asked them to check another form of communication, such as a phone call telling them to check their email. Respondents also asked that phone calls during the school day be limited to emergencies.

Others appreciated that district news was communicated in different languages, though some asked for videos to include captions.

“I think this also validates the comments that the School Committee will make in my evaluation about me progressing in my goal,” Rodrigues said.

Rodrigues was evaluated on district goals, which were set by him and the School Committee, as well as state standards. 

School Committee members evaluated Rodrigues prior to the recent town election. Member Steve Smith said five members provided complete feedback while two gave only partial feedback. 

Overall, the School Committee was pleased with Rodrigues’ performance and ranked him as “proficient” in instructional leadership, family and community engagement and professional culture and “exemplary” on management and operations. 

Smith noted that two members ranked him as “needing improvement” when it came to addressing family concerns. In the comments, School Committee members said the use of video was “powerful,” adding that some of them could have been shorter and more concise. Members also hoped that parent forums will return next year. 

“Before I was on the committee, I was very skeptical, and there were things I didn’t understand or know about what was going on in the school system,” said School Committee member Mark Terra-Salomão.

Terra-Salomão said he didn’t agree with the evaluation, saying that Rodrigues has been doing at a minimum proficient work. He said that Rodrigues spent time explaining what was happening in the school system when he was elected. 

“Obviously, there is room for improvement … but I think we as a school committee working with you and your team can do that collaboratively,” Terra-Salomão said.

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