Donations fund new benches along Assabet River Rail Trail


By Justin Roshak, Contributing Writer

A bench sits along the Assabet River Rail Trail near Villa Do Porto Boulevard in Hudson.   Photo/Laura Hayes
A bench sits along the Assabet River Rail Trail near Villa Do Porto Boulevard in Hudson.
Photo/Laura Hayes

HUDSON –  The Hudson Select Board accepted donations from eight citizens for new benches along the Assabet River Rail Trail June 12. 

Angela Trottier, Josh Ruminiski, John Cain, Christopher Yates, David Davis, Wally Tomyl, Michael Chaves and Jack Drummey each donated $500, for a total of $4,000.

Many of the donations were made in memory of family members, such as Robert Weston III, provided by the Weston-Ruminski family, or Michael Cardinale, provided by Cain Electric Co, Inc. 

The money supports the efforts of the Town’s Health and Recreation departments.

The benches were installed last month and bring the total number of benches along the rail trail to 16. Each bench seats between two and six individuals. 

“Seating on the rail trail was fairly limited and the goal of this project was to expand the seating options so those who need to rest during a walk, run or bike ride have an option to do so about every half-mile,” wrote MetroWest Moves program coordinator Kali Coughlan in an email. 

“Thank you very much,” Select Board chair Scott Duplisea told the donors. 

The Rail Trail has been a staple of life and recreation in Hudson and Marlborough since its completion in 2005. Running along the old railbed of the Fitchburg Railroad, it links a parking lot near Hudson’s Rod and Gun Club to a trailhead just over five miles away behind Kelleher Field in Marlborough. 

A second branch of the rail trail travels through Acton and Maynard. The two paths, though, are not linked.

“We would love to somehow connect them up, but we don’t have a good way to do that right now,’ said Assistant Director of Planning and Community Development Pam Helinek. 



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