WESTBOROUGH ─ Westborough TV was awarded a 2021 Hometown Media Award for its video “Go Local, More Than Ever, Westborough!” which spotlighted local businesses.
Westborough TV was awarded in the student division in the community events category.
The video was produced by Westborough TV intern Holly Van Wie, who is a student at Worcester State University. She was supervised by Westborough TV’s General Manager, Karen Henderson.
“I am thrilled with this national award, especially because the video featured so many of our friends and neighbors who own and manage small businesses in town – businesses that are a vital part of keeping our community connected and vibrant,” Henderson said in a press release.
Henderson said that, while the response from the town to the video was amazing, it was an honor to be recognized at a national level.
“It’s very exciting for Holly and Westborough TV and really something the whole community can take pride in,” she said.
The national Hometown Media Award program was established to recognize and promote community media, community radio, and local cable programs that are distributed on Public, Educational and Governmental access cable television channels.
Proceeds go to the Foundation of the Alliance for the Community Media and are used to facilitate, preserve and promote education in community media.
About 1,000 entries are submitted every year and over 100 awards are given. The programs are evaluated by a panel of judges who are from the industry. The awards are presented to the most creative programs that address community needs, develop diverse community involvement, challenge conventional commercial television formats and move viewers to experience television in a different way.
“The Hometown Media Awards celebrate both the excellence of work and the diversity of media that appears on community channels being produced around the country. The ACM Foundation is proud of their achievement and of how they represent their communities in their work,” said Mike Wassenaar, the President and CEO of Alliance for Community Media.
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