Hudson Senior Center balancing return to normal with ‘Delta surge’


By Justin Roshak, Contributing Writer

The Hudson Senior Center is expecting to have its COVID-19 reopening process largely completed by the end of the year. Photo/Dakota Antelman
The Hudson Senior Center
Photo/Dakota Antelman

HUDSON – The Hudson Senior Center is preparing to phase in some in-person events, though safety remains a primary concern. 

Some groups, such as Camera Club and Garden Club, will begin a phase in of in-person events this Fall. 

A new program centered on mindfulness in uncertain times will begin in partnership with the Synergy Wellness Center. It will begin October 14. Another program on healthy pandemic living will begin October 6. Both are four week classes conducted in person and on Zoom.

At their September 1 meeting, there was generally enthusiasm among members of the Council on Aging for a trial period of in-person events, provided they do not involve too strenuous activities or too many people. 

“I think it’d be good to get back to normal as much as possible,” said Edward Silveira.

“It’d be great if these groups came back, as long as we ask them to wear their masks,” said Charles Corley.

And other members were confident of the continued viability of remote events. 

“We went all last year doing Zoom and it went quite well. If we delay our live meetings, it’s not going to kill us,” said member and Camera Club organizer John Gill.

But ridership on Center-led transport remains down from pre-pandemic levels. 

“I wonder if people are still a little gun-shy about being on a bus with people,” said Senior Center Director Janice Long at the Council’s September 1 meeting. She added, “The numbers are creeping up a little bit.”

And starting this September, all visitors will have to wear masks as a result of the upsurge in Delta variant cases. Previously, only unvaccinated visitors had to wear masks. 

The Delta upsurge has delayed the return of in-person events, which are difficult or unsafe to conduct while masked, such as athletics.

“We were going to bring our fitness classes back in September, but we just decided not to,” Long said. Those classes will continue over Zoom. 

Finally, the Center’s main room floor repair is finally underway.

“They finally started on the floor this week. They finished taking it out today,” Long said.

The next step will be to sand the underlying cement floor before the new material is installed. The new flooring has arrived and is awaiting installation.



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