Hudson Cultural Council seeks new members


Greg Kojoyian (far left) plays bass alongside vocalists at Hudson’s Wood Park Music Shell during The Midtown Horns concert. (Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.)
Horn players of The Midtown Horns take the stage at Hudson’s Wood Park Music Shell. The Wood Park Summer concert series was one of Hudson Cultural Council’s grant recipients this year.
(Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.)

HUDSON – The Hudson Cultural Council is looking for volunteers interested in serving as voting members “who can help share ideas and knowledge when making determinations on how funding for the cultural council is dispensed,” according to a press release.

The Hudson Cultural Council is part of a network of Local Cultural Councils serving all 351 Massachusetts cities and towns. The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Massachusetts Cultural Council, which then allocates funds to each community for further dispersal.

Contact the HCC at 978-212-9706 or via email at [email protected] with any questions about becoming a member. To apply, fill out an interest form at the Hudson Town Clerk’s Office, 78 Main St. An online link to the form is also accessible on the Town of Hudson website at


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