By Dakota Antelman, Managing Editor

Quinn Middle School recently received $3,000 in Adopt a Classroom grant money from a local car dealer.
(Photo/Jesse Kucewicz)
HUDSON – A series of grants totaling $3,000 enabled Hudson’s Quinn Middle School to buy everything from books to math manipulatives to fidget supplies for students earlier this year, Principal Jeff Gaglione recently told the Community Advocate.
This donation came in the form of six individual $500 grants for teachers and was contributed by Village Subaru of Acton through the group Adopt A Classroom.
Teachers filed applications for funding, which Gaglione then reviewed.
“People were super excited,” Gaglione said.
A notable portion of the money has helped buy new Spanish and Portuguese language books. Those books now offer native language options to what Gaglione described as a “growing population” of students who speak Spanish or Portuguese as their primary language.
“We felt like our library certainly needed more titles for Portuguese and Spanish speakers, so that was part of what was done,” Gaglione said.
Additional money also paid for new math manipulatives and games as well as “multi-sensory” items including fidget toys and wobble chairs.
“Some students have a lot of extra energy in the classroom and those things allow them to focus more on the content when they have something to kind of get the energy out in a subtle way in class,” Gaglione said.
Remaining money paid for new musical instruments and English language books for individual English Language Arts classroom libraries.
Happy to have received this unexpected funding, Gaglione said he and his staff are grateful to both Village Subaru and Adopt a Classroom.
“It’s great that a local business was willing to put themselves out there and support our school,” he said. “It was really nice to see.”
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