‘Another day, another truck’: Truck hits Westborough train bridge


‘Another day, another truck’: Truck hits Westborough train bridge
A truck had been removed as of 11:56 a.m. on Thursday after striking the low train bridge over East Main Street in Westborough. (Photo/via Westborough Police Department)

WESTBOROUGH – A tractor trailer struck the low train bridge over East Main Street in Westborough on Thursday morning, marking the second crash at that site in less than a week.

A truck similarly crashed into the bridge on Sunday night, prompting police to utilize a drone to survey damage.

“Another day, another truck striking the East Main Street bridge,” Westborough Police wrote in a message on Facebook that announced this latest crash just before 12 p.m. on Thursday.

The truck had been removed as of 11:56 a.m., with photos showing the vehicle stopped on the southbound side of East Main Street headed into the downtown area.

There were no injuries, according to police.

As crashes have long troubled truckers in this part of town, the proximity of this week’s crashes specifically mirrors a stretch of incidents exactly one year ago.

A truck plowed into the bridge on March 10, 2021, peeling its roof off as it ground underneath the bridge span.

Another truck hit the bridge exactly seven days later, on March 17, buckling its trailer.

“At this point, we do not believe a caption is necessary to explain what happened,” the Westborough Police Department wrote at the time.


Westborough police use drone following crash at low bridge

Truck hits low bridge in Westborough

After crash last week, another truck hits Westborough bridge

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