Downtown Hudson showcases performing and visual arts at ArtsFest


Grupo das Candeias, a musical group based at the Hudson Portuguese Club, performs outside the Hudson Town Hall. (Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.)

Grupo das Candeias, a musical group based at the Hudson Portuguese Club, performs outside the Hudson Town Hall. (Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.)

HUDSON – A few months after Hudson won the national “America’s Main Streets” contest, its acclaimed roadway once again showcased the performing and visual arts on June 4.

The Cultural Arts Committee of the Hudson Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) hosted its third ArtsFest Hudson. This marked the return of the event, which was canceled in the past two years due to pandemic restrictions.

This year’s committee placed over 50 vendors on Main Street, spanning from the Wood Square rotary to the Main Street Bank parking lot at the intersection of Main Street and Manning Street.

Children created their own art with sidewalk chalk. Additionally, kids took part in craft projects offered by the Hudson Public Library and the Marlborough Junior Woman’s Club.

The Hudson Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition displayed the Opioid Project’s traveling multi-media exhibit in the Town Hall lobby. This artwork with audio is created to memorialize loved ones lost to opioid overdoses.

Live entertainment outside the Town Hall and Main Street Bank’s parking lot featured vocalists, instrumentalists and dancers.

Festivalgoers also purchased tickets for a 50/50 raffle organized by the BID to benefit the Hudson Cultural Alliance’s Armory Project. The alliance is a nonprofit that is spearheading the purchase and repurposing of the downtown armory into a community arts center.

The raffle winner will be announced at the BID’s first-ever Celebrate Hudson festival on Saturday, Sept. 17.

In the meantime, raffle tickets are available at Avidia Bank, CroseNest Apothecary, Hudson Appliance & Mattress Gallery, Main Street Bank, Mullahy’s, Serendipity and Wright Jewelry & Design Company.

The Cultural Arts Committee is chaired by Mae Zagami. Other committee members are Lori Burton, Aimee Cotnoir, Doreen Howes, Ellen King, Vikki Levine and Mercedes Murphy.

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