Northborough plans ARPA listening session


NorthboroughNORTHBOROUGH – Residents will soon have an opportunity to weigh in on how Northborough should allocate its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

The town will be holding a listening session on June 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Algonquin Regional High School library.

Northborough is slated to receive about $4.5 million in federal ARPA funds. 

Discussions on how the town will allocate those funds, meanwhile, have been ongoing in recent months, with the Board of Selectmen already releasing some funds for several projects, including a community wellness initiative called Be Well Northborough. 

The upcoming meeting will be streamed live on Northborough Cable Access TV government channels. Community members can also attend the meeting in person or via Zoom. 

In the meantime, residents can provide input to the Board of Selectmen either in advance of the meeting or after it via email at [email protected]. The selectmen ask residents to use “ARPA Priorities” in the subject line. 

For more information, visit 


Northborough selectmen cancel planned ARPA meeting

Northborough to hold meeting to discuss ARPA funds

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