‘I’m excited to cast my vote for Kim Driscoll’


Letter to the Editor logoDear Hudson Voters:

There is an important Democratic primary election on September 6th, and I’m excited to cast my vote for Kim Driscoll to be our next Lieutenant Governor.

As the Mayor of Salem, Kim is credited with turning the city around from fiscal mismanagement to record surplus and made city government more inclusive, innovative, and responsive, along the way. Kim has championed public schools, fought for more affordable housing, and turned Salem into a leader in the fight against the climate crisis. Thanks to her leadership, Salem is now considered one of the best places to live in Massachusetts!

Kim Driscoll understands the value of good government and she sees the big picture, while paying attention to the smallest details that make government most effective. As a mom of three, the wife of a union bricklayer, and as the only graduate of Massachusetts’ public higher education running for Lt. Governor, she understands our struggles and our values and will be ready on day one.

Kim is a dynamic leader, with a proven record of getting things done for working people. That’s why she is the right person at the right time for our Commonwealth.

On Tuesday, September 6, I urge you to cast your vote for Kim Driscoll for Lieutenant Governor.

State Rep. Kate Hogan

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