A look at Grafton’s Fall Town Meeting warrant


The Small Stones Festival of Arts will take place in the Great Hall of the Grafton Town House on Oct. 15. Photo/Laura Hayes
One of the articles before Town Meeting pertains to off-street parking, particularly in the Grafton Common Historic District. (Photo/Laura Hayes)

GRAFTON – Changes to on-street parking street parking, marijuana regulations and a chance to obtain more open space, will be part of the 18-article fall Grafton Town Meeting Warrant.

Town Meeting will take place Monday, Oct. 17, at 7 p.m. at the high school auditorium.

One of the articles will ask residents to authorize the Select Board to negotiate with property owners for temporary or permanent easements necessary to replace the bridge at Fitzpatrick Road over Cronin Brook.

Another pertains to off-street parking, particularly in the Grafton Common Historic District.

One of the articles requests for amendments to the zoning bylaw on marijuana establishments, including definitions of marijuana courier and marijuana delivery operator.

Five articles are being sponsored by the Community Preservation Committee.

One requests up to $300,000 in Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds for the purchase lots at 173 and 183 Upton St. which would be preserved for open space and passive recreation. A second asks for $2,500 from CPA funds to create a baseline report for the conservation restriction for 173 and 183 Upton Street that will be held by the Grafton Land Trust.

A third request for $95,000 would help pay for the installation of outdoor bathrooms, including a septic system, for the Grafton Lions Club Dauphanais Park.

The fourth would use $685,770 in CPA funds to help create a passive recreation park at 95 North Street, which is part of another article requesting to enter into any agreements to make the park a reality.

The fifth would expend $15,000 from the committee’s historical reserves account to restore Windsor style chairs, a credenza, a library book cart and a step stool currently at the Grafton Public Library.

View the entire warrant at https://www.grafton-ma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif4461/f/uploads/signed_warrant.pdf.

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