Hudson parade and ceremony thank military veterans


The color guard of the Hudson Police Department stands at attention as the national anthem is played. (Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.)

The color guard of the Hudson Police Department stands at attention as the national anthem is played. (Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.)

HUDSON – Stars and stripes were plentiful Nov. 11 in downtown Hudson.

The town’s Veterans Day parade was led by three color guards: Hudson AMVETS Post 208, Marine Corps JROTC of Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School and Hudson Police Department.

A ceremony, emceed by Commander Joe Jacobs of AMVETS Post 208 and American Legion Post 100, followed outside the Town Hall.

Hudson Veterans Agent Brian Stearns relayed a Martin Luther King Jr. quote: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

“Our veterans answered this question by answering the call to serve our nation – to serve all of us,” Stearns said. “As a nation, we will always need men and women to defend our freedom from foreign and domestic enemies, and ensure that our democracy remains intact. … It’s imperative that we celebrate our veterans on this day – and every day.”

Also expressing appreciation for military veterans were state Rep. Kate Hogan (D-Stow) and Select Board member Shawn Sadowski.

Boy Scout Troop 2 members Nate Caglarcan, Olivia Foo and Steven Foo recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Hudson High School Marching Band, under the direction of Jason Caron, performed patriotic songs in the parade and during the ceremony. HHS freshman and trumpeter Max Brito played “Taps” in remembrance of fallen veterans.


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