Santa coming to Marlborough this weekend


Santa coming to Marlborough this weekend

MARLBOROUGH – Santa is coming to town this weekend.

With assistance from the Fire Department, the big guy will be making the rounds Dec. 16, 17 and 18 from 4:30-8 p.m. each evening.

The Grinch will be making an appearance as well.

For updates, use the Glympse app, or visit!Marlboroughfiresantarun.

Also, the office of Mayor Arthur Vigeant has announced that the Holiday Lights Contest is under way. Residents may nominate a neighbor, friend or themselves for having the best outdoor lighting display in the city. All nominations need to be submitted by Wednesday, Dec. 21. A first-place winner and runner-up will be chosen the week after Christmas.

For submissions, contact [email protected]. All submissions must include a picture; address of the house; and the homeowner’s contact information.

Santa coming to Marlborough this weekend

Santa coming to Marlborough this weekend

Santa coming to Marlborough this weekend

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