Garfton police log, Dec. 16 edition


Garfton police log, Dec. 16 editionGrafton

Sunday, Nov. 27

1:14 a.m. Sunrise Ave. Suspicious activity.

3:38 a.m. Worcester St. Suspicious person.

6:22 a.m. Main St. Ambulance – medical.

9:40 a.m. Worcester St./Airport Rd. Well-being check.

12:04 p.m. Old Westboro Rd./North St. Motor vehicle stop.

8:18 p.m. Mill Village Park. Ambulance – medical.

9:48 p.m. Worcester St. Suspicious person.

11:50 p.m. Main St. Ambulance – medical.

Monday, Nov. 28

12:29 a.m. Arrested, Amie Fayyad, 45, of 6 N Main St., Apt. 4R, Grafton, on straight warrant.

8:46 a.m. Snow Rd./Greany Dr. Suspicious person.
9:45 a.m. Millbury St., Crosby Rd. Motor vehicle stop.

12:19 p.m. Wesson St. Fire – smoke – indoors.

1:34 p.m. Collette St. Vandalism.

4:53 p.m. Millbury St./Oak Pl. Motor vehicle stop.

5:25 p.m. Cherry Ln. Animal complaint.

5:45 p.m. Providence Rd. Fraud/identity theft.

8:00 p.m. Providence Rd. Scam/attempted scam.

8:11 p.m. Brookmeadow Ln. Ambulance – medical.

8:36 p.m. Main St. B&E – past.

Tuesday, Nov. 29

4:03 p.m. Carroll Ave. Ambulance – medical.

5:31 a.m. Main St. Parking violation.

5:40 a.m. Providence Rd./Depot St. Motor vehicle stop.

6:21 a.m. Old Westboro Rd. Motor vehicle stop.

9:09 a.m. Waterville St. Ambulance – medical.

10:08 a.m. Providence Rd. Animal complaint.

12:37 p.m. Worcester St. Ambulance – medical.

12:48 p.m. Providence Rd. Fraud/identity theft.

1:32 p.m. Worcester St. Larceny/theft.

1:49 p.m. Arrested, Joshua C. Paul, 41, of 18 Maxwell Dr., Apt. C, Grafton, for shoplifting by asportation, receive stolen property -$1200.

1:52 p.m. N Main St. Ambulance – medical.

3:18 p.m. Grafton Com. Accident – personal injury.

8:16 p.m. Providence Rd. Larceny/theft.

10:16 p.m. Pine St. Suspicious auto.

Wednesday, Nov. 30

3:07 a.m. Worcester St. Suspicious auto.

8:43 a.m. Worcester St./Hillside Ave. Motor vehicle stop.

10:32 a.m. Bailin Cir. Suspicious person.

11:36 a.m. N Main St. Keeping the peace.

12:25 p.m. Worcester St. Assault – no injuries.

3:31 p.m. Worcester St. Disturbance – general.

4:34 p.m. Worcester St. Disturbance – general.

4:35 p.m. Pine St. Suspicious auto.

5:53 p.m. Mendon St. Traffic hazard.

7:19 p.m. Lordvale Blvd. Ambulance – medical.

8:18 p.m. Main St. Suspicious auto.

10:22 p.m. Brigham Hill Rd. Traffic hazard.

Thursday, Dec. 1

12:37 a.m. Forest Ln. Ambulance – medical.

2:23 a.m. Providence Rd./Cross St. Motor vehicle stop.

8:28 a.m. Providence Rd. Suspicious auto.

4:04 p.m. N main St. Motor vehicle stop.

4:31 p.m. Church St. Motor vehicle stop.

5:25 p.m. Forest Ln. Suspicious person.

5:37 p.m. Worcester St./Wheeler Rd. Disabled auto.

7:06 p.m. Maple Ave. Disabled auto.

Friday, Dec. 2

1:55 a.m. Providence Rd. Suspicious auto.

2:24 a.m. Zgonis Dr. Ambulance – medical.

6:26 a.m. Peters Way. Ambulance – medical.

7:36 a.m. East St. Disabled auto.

10:39 a.m. Worcester St. Keeping the peace.

11:47 a.m. Pleasant St. Ambulance – medical.

12:09 p.m. Worcester St. Keeping the peace.

12:47 p.m. Gloucester Rd. Well-being check.

1:22 p.m. Magnolia Ln. Well-being check.

2:19 p.m. Providence Rd. Harassment.

5:44 p.m. Providence Rd. Disabled auto.

6:19 p.m. Blanchard Rd. Ambulance – medical.

10:23 p.m. Waterville St. Motor vehicle stop.

Saturday, Dec. 3

1:19 a.m. Worcester St. Suspicious auto.

5:07 a.m. Hudson Ave. Ambulance – medical.

8:11 a.m. Pleasant St./Hudson Ave. Ambulance – medical.

12:20 p.m. Bedford Dr. Well-being check.

12:33 p.m. Worcester St. Ambulance – medical.

2:22 p.m. Providence Rd. Fraud/identity theft.

6:27 p.m. Arrested, Kristin Stewich, 53, of 24 Hovey Pond Dr., Grafton, for OUI-liquor or .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle.

10:17 p.m. Millbury St. Motor vehicle stop.

The information from the police log is obtained directly from the official records maintained at each police station in our circulation area. It contains arrests and samplings of police activity. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. The Community Advocate will publish news of acquittals upon notification and a copy of court-issued documentation.


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