Westborough receives $4 million for Otis Street improvement project


Otis Street will benefit from a total of  million from Massworks and MassDOT. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

Otis Street will benefit from a total of $4 million from Massworks and MassDOT. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

WESTBOROUGH – The Otis Street Transit-Oriented Development Regional Improvement Project will benefit from $2 million from the MassWorks Infrastructure Program and $2 million in Massachusetts Department of Transportation funding that has been recently approved. 

The town of Westborough application was submitted to the FY2023 Community One Stop for Growth, and the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, Department of Housing and Community Development and Massachusetts Development Finance Agency worked together to evaluate all eligible applications and recommended the most ready and high-impact projects for a grant.

“This $4 million investment from MassWorks and MassDOT is a game changer for the town of Westborough,” said state Sen. Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “With these funds, Westborough will be able to prepare the Otis Street corridor with the necessary infrastructure to support new jobs, new businesses, and new opportunities for the community. Thank you to my Central Massachusetts colleagues in the Legislature for joining to advocate for these grants, and congratulations to the people of Westborough on this significant investment.”

The town has planned for new growth along the Otis Street corridor to leverage the nearby transit station, rail trail and existing development areas. Through the planning process, the town updated its master plan, adopted new as-of-right zoning along Otis Street, completed a road safety audit, completed a transportation corridor study and pursued 25% design of these critical road improvements.

The town plans to use this grant to construct road and pedestrian improvements at the intersection of Route 9 and along the Otis corridor.

Other members of Westborough’s delegation weighed in on the award.

“I was so pleased to work with the Westborough legislative delegation to advocate on behalf of the town for this significant state infrastructure support, which will leverage private investment and enable the full planned build-out of this critical economic development area,” said state Rep. Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury). “Congratulations to the Westborough Select Board and town officials for their diligent work to attract smart growth development, and I am grateful to the Baker-Polito administration for strongly supporting the town’s development efforts.”

“I am grateful to the Baker-Polito administration and MassDOT for this MassWorks grant for the town of Westborough to improve transportation infrastructure along the Otis Street – Route 9 corridor,” said state Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton). “This $4 million grant will allow the different neighborhoods of Westborough to be more closely connected, enhance pedestrian and bicyclist use, continue Westborough’s efforts to expand its bike lane, rail trail and path infrastructure, and improve public safety.”

Town Manager Kristi Williams and Select Board Chair Ian Johnson said the town was appreciative of the award. Williams said the benefits of the planned new growth on Otis Street were “critical” to Westborough, but wouldn’t be possible without the state’s investment.

“This funding supports critical road improvements to enhance the Otis Street corridor, supporting the significant economic development in this area and improving motorist and pedestrian safety,” Williams said. “We want to thank the delegation and the governor for their partnership and support of this project.”

“The town is extremely excited to receive this funding to support the development of this economically important area of Westborough, while also improving the safety of our citizens through intersection improvements,” said Johnson. 

The town of Westborough will be required to submit a completed pre-contract form, provided by EOHED, no later than Jan. 31, 2023, to begin the contracting process. Once the contract is fully executed, construction work can begin.


Westborough applies for grant for Otis Street corridor improvements

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