Hudson wastewater treatment plant to get $18 million in upgrades


Eric Ryder took U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan, Sen. Jamie Eldridge and Rep. Kate Hogan on a tour of Hudson’s Chestnut Street PFAS treatment system this fall. (Photo/Courtesy Lori Trahan)

Eric Ryder took U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan, Sen. Jamie Eldridge and Rep. Kate Hogan on a tour of Hudson’s Chestnut Street PFAS treatment system this fall. (Photo/Courtesy Lori Trahan)

HUDSON – The Select Board approved a nearly $18 million contract as part of phase two of the wastewater treatment plant upgrades.

“I think it’s phenomenal. It just goes to show that the town is committed to the investment of our infrastructure,” said Director of Public Works Eric Ryder.

During the Dec. 5 meeting, the board unanimously voted 3-0 to sign a contract with Daniel O’Connell’s Sons Inc. to upgrade the plant.

Upgrades to main facility and Main Street pumping station

According to Ryder, the $18 million will fund “various sections” between the treatment plant on Municipal Drive and the Main Street pump station.

Phase one of wastewater treatment plant upgrades took place in 2008 and included renovations to the pumps and electrical upgrades to the facilities, according to Ryder.

“Various things that were not completed in phase one will be done in phase two,” he said.

In 2019, per- and polyfluoroalkyls (PFAS) levels in Hudson’s groundwater supply were detected above the federal health advisory level.

Over the summer, the Select Board approved an 18% water rate increase and an 11% sewer rate increase to collect funding for upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant and to lessen PFAS pollutants, according to Executive Assistant Thomas Gregory.

The upgrades to the treatment plant include the installation of a back-up generator, new aerators in the aeration tanks and new clarifiers and electrical and plumbing upgrades.

Ryder said the improvements to the Main Street pump station will include upgrades to the generators, pumps and wells.

Ryder said the upgrades will also be covered by the State Revolving Fund. The fund is part of the state Department of Environmental Protection and offers loan options to municipalities to improve their water infrastructure and drinking water safety, according to its website.

In October, Hudson received $1 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funding to upgrade the plant’s ability to mitigate PFAS contamination.

U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan, state Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) and state Rep. Kate Hogan (D-Stow) toured Hudson’s PFAS treatment system, located on Chestnut Street and presented the check to Hudson officials.

“Almost every community across the Third District has been impacted by PFAS contamination, and that’s particularly true here in Hudson. I’m grateful to the town’s leadership that recognized the dangers of these forever chemicals early and have emerged as leaders in responding to contaminations,” Trahan said in a press release.

Ryder projects that the phase two upgrades will be completed within two years.

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