Businesses damaged in Boston Post Road East fire


Firefighters responded to a fire on Boston Post Road East. (Photo/Ian Hathaway)

Firefighters responded to a fire on Boston Post Road East. (Photo/Ian Hathaway)

MARLBOROUGH – Several businesses were impacted by a fire in Marlborough over the weekend.

In the early morning hours of Jan. 15, the Marlborough Fire Department responded to a fire in a commercial structure at 42 Boston Post Road East.

The initial alarm response included Engine 5, Engine 1, Engine 2, Rescue 1, Tower 1 and Car 5, and Patriot EMS responded to the scene with an ambulance.

There was a heavy smoke emanating from the one-story structure upon arrival. The box for a working fire was transmitted, and Marlborough Car 2 responded.

The fire was found in the space between the ceiling and the roof decking, which is an area called the cockloft. The fire was extinguished, and the building was checked for fire extension. There was damage to the trusses supporting the roof in the area where the fire was believed to have started.

The businesses affected by the fire were Yummy Kitchen Chinese Restaurant, the Bank Of America, Vape City Smoke Shop, Sun Relaxation Therapy, Marlborough Nutrition, Oriental Nail Salon and the Sunnyside Café. All of the businesses had smoke and water damage.

The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Marlborough Fire Department’s Fire Investigation Unit. Damage estimates are being assessed.

Southborough Fire responded to the scene with an Engine Company, Hudson Fire sent an Engine for station coverage. Crews from Eversource and National Grid were requested to the scene to shut off the utilities.

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