Shrewsbury’s Assistant Superintendent Patrick Collins to retire


Shrewsbury’s Assistant Superintendent Patrick Collins to retire
Patrick Collins (Photo/Courtesy Shrewsbury Public Schools)

SHREWSBURY – Shrewsbury Public Schools Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Patrick Collins will retire at the end of June.

Collins, a Shrewsbury High School graduate, was the Shrewsbury School Department Business Manager for 11 years before leaving in 2007, eventually becoming Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School’s superintendent. After a brief stint in the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional School District, Collins returned to Shrewsbury in 2015 in his assistant superintendent role.

Superintendent Joe Sawyer mentioned Collins’ retirement during the Jan. 25 Shrewsbury School Committee meeting. Sawyer said that he has “been in a long period of denial” about the impending retirement of his longtime colleague.

In a recent email sent to Shrewsbury community members, Sawyer noted that the school district had begun to search for Collins’s successor. Sawyer wrote how he hopes “to generate a talented and diverse pool of applicants for this very important leadership role.”

The district has partnered with the New England School Development Council to fill the position. Former Shrewsbury Superintendent Dr. Anthony Bent will lead the search.

The job posting can be found here, and Sawyer has asked the community to “talk to [their] network” to “get as many people aware of this position as possible.”

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