Marlborough City Council rejects permit for All Fur Love


Marlborough City Council rejects permit for All Fur Love
All Fur Love would like to set up shop at 75 Lincoln St., which has been vacant since 2019. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

MARLBOROUGH – It’s no for a dog-grooming business, and yes for a precision machine shop and housing plans on Lincoln Street.

The City Council announced its decisions during its Monday, Feb. 27, meeting.

The owners of the Medway-based All Fur Love wanted to open a dog-grooming business at 75 Lincoln St., which is the site of a former upholstery business that had been vacant since 2019. The site is within a Residential B zoning district; the City Council determined that the business was not allowed within the district.

During an Urban Affairs Committee meeting Jan. 24, the owners told the committee that there would be a dog-grooming business downstairs and rental units upstairs. All Fur Love proposed 11 parking spaces at the site. 

Ultimately, the council unanimously voted against a special permit for All Fur Love, citing a possible increase in traffic as a result of clients coming to and from the business, as well as noise coming from customers and dogs.

This comes after the council’s Urban Affairs Committee voted to deny the special permit at that January meeting. 

At that time, committee members voiced support for the business itself, but they had expressed concerns about its impact on traffic and noise.

“Adding a dog-grooming business would be wonderful, but the impact would be detrimental to the neighborhood,” said Councilor Laura Wagner during the Jan. 24 committee meeting.

Action Precision Machining approved

Octo48 LLC, doing business as Action Precision Machining, will soon convert a former warehouse at 269 Mechanic St. into a tool and die shop now that its special permit has been approved.

Among the conditions worked out by the city, all manufacturing activities shall take place indoors; there will be no deliveries of materials or equipment, and no shipments will be allowed on weekends.

The maximum hours for manufacturing activities – excluding administrative and maintenance operations, and employees arriving and leaving before and after shifts – shall be Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Multi-family project approved

The council also granted a special permit to 272 Lincoln St. LLC for a 12-unit family dwelling.

The plans call for 12 two-bedroom units and 24 parking spaces. 

As part of the special permit, the applicant will install fencing and/or landscaping for abutters; repaint the crosswalks of the Assabet River Rail Trail on Lincoln and Cashman streets; widen the sidewalk along Cashman Street; and take down the billboard.


Special permit for dog-grooming business denied

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