Fall Town Meeting stays on a Monday


Fall Town Meeting stays on a Monday
Fall Town Meeting will remain on a Monday instead of moving to a Saturday.

WESTBOROUGH — Fall Town Meeting will remain on the third Monday in October.

Article 36, which would have switched Fall TM to a Saturday, was defeated, 104-77, during annual Town Meeting on Saturday, March 25.

Opponents of the switch said that some religious groups, such as Jewish and Seventh Day Adventists, observe their Sabbath on a Saturday, and would make it difficult for them to attend.

“Treat our Sabbath with the same respect we treat yours,” said resident Michael Karp.

Some supporters of the switch said it’s just as hard for parents and senior citizens to attend on a Monday evening.

According to the Select Board’s Allen Edinberg, the article was brought forth because of feedback from last year’s Fall Town Meeting.


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