Say what you will about Northborough’s former Town Administrator John Coderre, but you cannot argue with a decade of national distinguished budget awards, reduced debt levels and increased financial reserves. Whoever is selected to become Northborough’s next Town Administrator better have a similar mindset towards financial planning. I served on the Board of Selectmen and worked closely with John to understand how state budget allocations, mandatory obligations like OPEB and public bidding laws handcuffed our town. I watched, year after year, as John went toe to toe with state legislators about their failure to prioritize Ch. 90 and special education circuit breaker funding, among others. In answering questions from town members, I never observed John respond in any manner other than with honesty and respect. Now that he’s no longer our administrator, I hope to see him raising his colored card at town meeting and making comments at the public microphones. Despite leaving us for Foxboro, he remains a resident of this town; and I hope we continue to benefit from his insight.
Aaron Hutchins