Juniper Hill Golf Course is the perfect setting for the very social sport of golf


Juniper Hill Golf Course is the perfect setting for the very social sport of golf
Owner of Juniper Hill Golf Course Dudley Darling with son Matthew Darling. (Photo/Kathryn Acciari)

NORTHBOROUGH – Four generations of golf professionals have served this community from the picturesque grounds of Juniper Hill Golf Course. Owner Dudley Darling has a vision to continue the tradition. Juniper Hill celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2021, and Darling’s son Matthew recently joined the management team following his career as a public defender in Orange County, California.  

In addition to multiple generations managing the golf course, Darling is seeing multiple generations of customers playing on the course.

“Golf is one of the few sports that grandparents can play with their grandchildren. We have people come to play whose fathers brought them, and now they are bringing their kids and grandkids.”

Darling describes Juniper Hill as a golf factory.

“A cross-section of golfers come here to play,” said Darling. “It is really a working man and woman’s course, although we have executives who play here too. We teach people to play. Some stay with us, and others move on to a country club. It’s still predominantly a male sport, though. We’d like to see more women come to play.”

Golf is a rare sport in which participants can play while also being social. But Darling has seen some golfers take their game too seriously.

“Many life lessons can be learned through the game of golf, particularly honesty. You can have a good game and not keep score, but it’s another thing to cheat. If you’ll do that to a friend, what will you do in other areas of life? What kind of business owner will you be?”

In the name of strengthening relationships, Juniper Hill is well-known for hosting charitable tournaments. A recent Stephen Jones memorial tournament, which raised money to buy beds for children, brought over 130 players to Juniper Hill. The course will host Golf Fights Cancer in August, which is a marathon golf fundraiser in which participants of all level of ability play 100 holes of golf to raise funds to fight cancer. 

With summer’s arrival, Juniper Hill offers its golf camp for kids. 

“We introduce kids to the game and watch the kids grow up right here. It’s cool to see that this may become their home course.”

Ultimately, Darling says that he likes to see people of all ages enjoying themselves at Juniper Hill. People come out from dawn to dusk to play.

“We want people to have fun. I always say to people, thank you for coming and have fun today.”

Learn more about Juniper Hill Golf Course at or call 508-393-2444.

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