Zach Newbould auditions on The Voice. (Photo/Greg Gayne/NBC)
Newbould to Perform
Local graduate and “The Voice” star Zach Newbould will perform on Sunday, July 23, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Lincoln Ellsworth Park. Northboro House of Pizza, Yummy Mummy Bakery, Uhlman’s Ice Cream and Face Escape will be there, too. Sponsored by the Northborough Cultural Affairs Committee.
Christmas in July
July 22, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., 13 Weed St., Marlborough. Stop by the pop-up shops to help support local vendors and get some early holiday spirit. There will be arts and crafts, and Santa will be available for photos from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by the Marlborough Economic Development Corp. and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Information: www.visit-marlborough.com.
Amazing Magical Potter’s Wheel
July 22, 2 p.m., Shrewsbury Public Library, 609 Main St. Join in all-ages, family-friendly pottery wheel demonstration with a focus on the arts and the exploration of creativity and techniques, with a touch of history. Participants will pass a freshly made pot from the potter’s wheel from person to person and have the chance to feel dry and wet pots as they rotate on the wheel. Each person will also make a pinch pot (cup made from a ball of clay by pinching the clay with the thumb and finger) and take home the unfired piece. Sponsored by the Friends of the Shrewsbury Public Library.
Information: Mike Zeller, [email protected], 508-841-8533.
Arts Around the Armory
July 23, 2 to 5 p.m., Hudson Armory, 35 Washington St. This month, the Hudson Armory Project will present an afternoon of dance, with Steps in Line Dancing with instructor Paul Hughes, along with Jimbo and the Cranberry Junction. Put on your dancing shoes and join in the fun. Free admission; bring a chair or blanket. Clover Road Brewery will be selling beverages.
Information: https://www.hudsonarmoryproject.org/events/dance-around-the-armory
Taste of New England Summer
July 21-23, 4:30 to 9 p.m., Old Sturbridge Village. All six New England states will be showcased as the village transforms into an evening festival filled with tasty food, regional beverages, and live music.
For information and tickets, visit https://www.osv.org/event/taste-of-new-england-summer/
Water Lantern Festival
July 22, 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., Elm Park, 138 Russell St., Worcester. Design and launch a lantern. There will also be food trucks and music. Registration required.
Information: https://www.waterlanternfestival.com/worcester.php
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