Rimkus: Loved ones gather for 60th wedding anniversary


Rimkus Hudson Happ'nings

HUDSON – Hudson and Maine residents John and Lee Scichilone, who recently marked their 60th wedding anniversary, were honored by their family with a gathering at York Harbor Inn, Maine, on Sunday, July 2. Among those attending were their two daughters and families and Judy Greenwood of Marlborough, who was her sister’s maid of honor.

John Scichilone and the former Lee Dardis were married on June 23, 1963 at St. John the Evangelist Church, Wellesley. They moved to Hudson over 50 years ago. Scichilone is a former Hudson policeman and is the retired Chief of Police of the town of Stow. Lee is retired employee of Digital and Compaq. Seasonal residents of York, Maine, they have also enjoyed traveling to Florida and Aruba, and several cruises.

They are parents of Maria Gautreau and her husband, Dennis of Leominster, and Andrea Corrado and her husband, John of Westminster, and grandparents of John, Nicole, Kelsey, Christina, Kala and Lia.



In “Off the Blotter” in “Hudson Happ’nings” July 16 issue, item should have read: “The summer Youth Police Academy, held annually, made history this 18th year, when there were more GIRLS than BOYS cadets,” as reported by Hudson Police Chief Rick DiPersio. We regret the error.

75th birthday

Family members gathered at Pigs Fly Pizzeria in Kittery, Maine, July 8, to celebrate the 75th birthday of former Hudson resident Mary Jane (Collins) Yesue of Kennebunk, Maine. Mary Jane is a retired nurse and widow of Hudson native Alfred Yesue. Attending were: Bill and Carmel Collins, Brian and Rosemarie Collins, Claudia (Collins) Ramelli and David Ramelli, all of Plymouth, and Barbara (Collins) Cellucci and Peter Cellucci of Clinton. They are children of the late Jerry and Jane Collins, formerly of 68 Pleasant St., Hudson.

Amvets cornhole

Hudson Amvets Post 208 will host a Cornhole Fundraiser at Post quarters, 5 South St., Saturday, Aug. 12 at 11 a.m. Cash prizes will include $60 to team, and $35 to single. Proceeds will benefit local veterans. Information will also be available for the Hudson Heroes Main St. flag program to honor local veterans. For information or to sign up for Cornhole Fundraiser contact Toni Tucker at [email protected] or 978-844-2959.

“Celebrate Hudson”

Annual “Celebrate Hudson Day” in downtown Hudson will be held Saturday, Sept. 16, from 1-9 p.m. Sponsored by the “Discover Hudson” volunteers, the program will include 50/50 raffle, food trucks, beer/wine garden, live music, petting zoo and bouncy house, all in the area of Main Street.

Hall of fame nominations sought

Nominations are sought for the Hudson High School Athletic Hall of Fame luncheon, Friday, Nov. 24 at 11 a.m. Location will be announced. Outstanding athletes (from at least ten years ago), coaches, community supporters may be nominated. Nomination forms are available on the HHS Athletics website https://hhs.hudson.k12.ma.us/athletics. Questions may be emailed to [email protected].

Bruins mascot

“Blades,” mascot for Boston Bruins hockey team, will be at Hudson Public Library, Wood Square, Wednesday, Aug. 2 at 2 p.m. to meet his young fans. For more information go to huds.pl/events or call the library, 978-568-9644.

Paint a lighthouse

Hudson Eagles will present “Paint Night” at their quarters, 271 Cox St., Wednesday, Aug. 9. For a $40 fee, hostess Meg Eisenhauer will demonstrate how to paint a lighthouse scene, all supplies included. Free cheese and cracker board will be provided by Mullahy Cheese Shop. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., painting begins at 7 p.m. For tickets see the bartender at Eagles, or for more information call Kristie 978-875-1738.


July 29 – Ruth Durand
July 30 – Adam Blake, Carolyn Hawes, Scott Perillo, Suzanne Murphy and David Laskey
July 31 – Rita Nanartowich and Lauren Doucette
Aug. 1 – Bob Thibault and Gloria Tompkinson
Aug. 2 – Amanda Wolfe Drye, Claudia Lambert and Dan Provencher
Aug. 3 – Penny Barry, Gracie Ortgiesen and Rev. Allen Ewing Merrill
Aug. 4 – Amanda Rego, Arianna Silva and Ian Underwood
Aug. 5 – Linsey Coloraro and Doug Geldart
Aug. 6 – Muriel Thompson, Lisa Comeau and Carol Haskell
Aug. 7 – Kevin Larson, Leslie Treen, Stephanie Ventura, Chuck Searles, Matt Anderson and Laurie Brown
Aug. 8 – Kathy Case, Maureen Bacon, Katie Davis, Oral Beaulieu, Ashley Bergman and Paulette Civitarese
Aug. 9 – Doug McClellan, Scott Sedam, Brittany Lally, Marge O’Connor and Christine Terranova
Aug. 10 – John Stapelfeld, Julie Miller, Dave Quinn Jr. and “Vic” the Barber
Aug. 11 – Crystal Greene, Kevin Coleman, Anna Drummey, Matt Monteiro and James Reardon


July 29 – Sarah Cressy and Ray Murphy
Aug. 3 – Dick and Gerry Kerdok
Aug. 4 – Darryl and Paula Filippi, Jeff and Debbie Lowe
Aug. 9 – Bill and Cindy Gould
Aug. 11 – Leo and Margaret Murphy


The Poor Farm, located next to Arrow Automotives and across from Kane Industrial Park, advertised that they “served the best.” Theresa Desimone was editor of the Hudson News-Enterprise weekly paper, located at 67 Main Street.
Bertha Church, Joaquim Ferro and Felix Taranto were realtors with DiTommaso Realtor. Mrs. Wayne Puro organized neighborhood walks for the Massachusetts Audubon Society. Henry Burkle was president of the Hudson Senior Citizen Club. Officers of Christ King Lady’s Sodality were: Sheila Caty, Theresa McNealy, Phyllis Kerrigan and Elaine Braga.

Send items for Hudson Happ’nings to 18 Cottage St., Hudson MA 01749 or email [email protected].

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