State DPH conducts health equity survey


Northborough Town Hall is located on Main Street. (Photo/Laura Hayes)

Northborough Town Hall is located on Main Street. (Photo/Laura Hayes)

REGION – The state Department of Health is conducting a community health equity survey.

The Community Health Equity Initiative collects data on the social and structural causes of health needs facing residents, particularly in communities disproportionately affected by health emergencies.

The survey is for Massachusetts residents who are older than 14. The department specifically wants responses from communities that have been impacted by health inequities.

Residents will have an opportunity to share their experiences and priorities to shape the future of health. The initiative strives to help communities and work with state and local partners to prioritize policy changes and where resources should be dedicated, including funding allocations and program improvements.

The survey opened on July 31. It will remain open through the early fall. Residents can take the survey online, and it will take between 15 to 30 minutes to complete. The survey is available in several languages, including Arabic, Cape Verdean Creole, Chinese, English, Haitian Creole, Khmer, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese.

The survey will also be available in American Sign Language for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Survey responses are anonymous. To take the survey, visit

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