The new Shrewsbury Police Station, built just behind the old one, is now open and fully functional. (Photo/Bill Gilman)
SHREWSBURY – At the Select Board meeting on Aug. 8, Town Manager Kevin Mizikar announced two upcoming events at the town’s new police station.
The dedication ceremony for the new police station will be held on Sept. 12 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The event will be held in front of the station, and it will be hosted by the Police Station Building Committee.
The department also will be holding a community night for the public on Sept. 21 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The event, meant to coincide with the Spirit of Shrewsbury festival, will have food trucks and outside activities.
The new police station became operational in February, with police using the building since that point. But the set of events in September will be the first chance for many members of the community to see the new facility.
The new station is located at 106 Maple Ave., just beside the Town Hall.