Eight things to do this weekend


Tania Taylor and her daughter Vayda, 6, sing “Jingle Bells” as karaoke caroling takes place at Westborough TV’s studio. (Photos/Ed Karvoski Jr.)

Tania Taylor and her daughter Vayda, 6, sing “Jingle Bells” as karaoke caroling takes place at Westborough TV’s studio. (Photos/Ed Karvoski Jr.)

Welcome to Thanksgiving weekend and the kickoff to the holiday season

Civic Club Christmas Tree Sale 

The Westborough Civic Club will start its annual sale of Christmas trees and wreaths on Saturday, Nov. 25, in front of Hastings Elementary School on East Main Street. Hours will be weekdays from 3:30 to 8 p.m., and weekends from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., through Dec. 24.

“Fill a Cruiser” 

The Grafton Police Department will stage its annual “Fill a Cruiser” on Saturday, Nov. 25, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Homefield Credit Union, 86 Worcester St. Donate a toy or gift card to help a child have a happy holiday.

Celebration with Local Authors

On Saturday, Nov. 25, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Hygge House Books, 57 East Main St., will have a celebration of local children’s book authors. Visit with Megan Litwin (“Twinkle Twinkle Winter Night”), Wednesday Boateng, “Akwaaba Kofi!”), Kristen Wixted and Sam Donovan (“Miss Rita Mystery Reader”), along with Scott Canning, Cheryl Mastrogiovanni, Thistle and Andrea Jill Guimond. The event will include storytimes, special activities, a chance to win a signed book gift baskets and more.

Marlborough Winter Market

Solomon Pond Mall will be holding the first Marlborough Winter Market in the mall’s food court on Saturday, Nov. 25, from noon to 4 p.m. The market will feature vendors, live music, beverages and more.

Tough 10/Fast 5

The Highland City Striders will be holding the Tough 10 and Fast 5 Turkey Trot Race on Sunday, Nov. 26, at 9 a.m. in Ghiloni Park in Marlborough. The entry cost is 16 nonperishable items or children’s diapers sizes 4 and 6.

For more information or to register, visit https://highlandcitystriders.org/.

Artisan Market

The Southborough Community House, 28 Main St., will host an artisan market on Sunday, Nov. 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clothes, vintage items, Southborough swag, homemade accessories, candles, soaps, pottery, baked goods and more.

Magic Show Fundraising Party

Pack 31 of Marlborough Cub Scouts will present a magic show fundraising party on Sunday, Nov. 26, from noon to 6 p.m. at the Best Western Hotel, 181 Boston Post Road. There will be a live magic show with Christopher Grace, balloon animals, face painting, games, silent auctions and more. Proceeds to benefit pack activities. Open to the public. Advance tickets — $14 for adults 16 years and older; $10 for children age 6 to 15 years; free for children age 5 years and younger.

Information: www.pack31marlborough.com.

Winter Stroll

The Winter Stroll, Light Parade and Tree Lighting will take place in Westborough Center on Sunday, Nov. 26, 2 to 5 p.m. (Light Parade and Rotary Club Winter Lights at 5:15 p.m.) Visit local businesses for treats and holiday cheer. Sponsored by Westborough Economic Development Committee, Westborough Public Library, Westborough Recreation and the Rotary Club of Westborough.

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