Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. celebrates 50 years of personal financial planning


Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. celebrates 50 years of personal financial planning
Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. celebrates 50 years of financial planning. (Photo/Courtesy)

WESTBOROUGH – Paul and Linda Mauro founded Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. in 1974.

Fifty years later — in 2024 —the firm is still providing clients with the highest quality information, service, and products to help people pursue their financial goals. Though the firm first started in Boston, Paul Mauro soon moved the company westward to Westborough, aiming to attract clients along the I-495 corridor.

“We developed a unique niche in the marketplace. What we decided to do — over the years — was to become a suburban financial firm; not an urban firm. We actually moved from originally downtown Boston. We moved out to the I-495 beltway out to Westborough on purpose, not by accident. We wanted to deliver downtown quality services to this suburban marketplace,” Paul Mauro told the Community Advocate.

Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc.’s suburban flair makes the firm more accessible — and approachable — for millions of potential Central Massachusetts clients. Paul and Linda Mauro, who live in Bolton, said they “really appreciate this part of Massachusetts,” and they enjoy bringing top-tier service to the “heart of the Commonwealth.”

The firm’s dedication to clients is apparent in almost every aspect of the business. For instance, whereas some financial firms can seem impersonal and bureaucratic, Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. seeks to develop close, long-lasting personal and professional relationships with clients.

“We make a lot of effort to have a very close, warm relationship — personal relationship — with clients… We do a cruise in June. We celebrate the holidays in some fashion. Clients will bring friends to these occasions. It’s a very friendly, connected group,” said Linda Mauro.

While close relationships help increase trust and help clients feel more comfortable, strong client-advisor rapport can be mutually beneficial. When the experienced and knowledgeable staff members at Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. are able to better understand the client as a whole — wants, needs, goals, fears — they’re able to help them more effectively.

For instance, Paul Mauro stressed that Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. has a “multigenerational approach” to helping clients. The firm is dedicated to meeting every client at eye level, and it understands that different financial strategies —and terms — are used across the different generations.

“We have, literally, advisors here from 90 years old to 30 years old. We built it because we wanted to have a multigenerational approach because frankly the language that our kids use… is so different to the language that people ages 65 to 75 use. Whether it’s technology, money, goals, we want to deliver financial advice to a three-, four-generation family,” Paul Mauro said.

The team at Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. has hundreds of years of combined experience.

Though the firm’s commitment to quality, accessible, personal, and local financial guidance has remained unchanged for five decades, Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. has made one major shift over the years. The firm started “basic,” but it eventually pioneered the “comprehensive financial planning” model of business.

“We did it before it was cool,” Paul Mauro said.

The “comprehensive financial planning” allows clients to handle their legal-, tax-, investment-, and insurance-related needs under one roof. Legacy Financial Advisors Inc. works with lawyers, accountants, and other professionals to give clients the well-rounded professional guidance they need — without stopping at four different offices.

“We bring clients in, and we do everything from this one location. Clients, their time is valuable, and it becomes more valuable when you have a family. You have ballgames. You have dance rehearsals. So for a typical consumer to drive to four different offices, talk to four different people — really what they need is to go to one location and have all the advisors come to them. It’s what we provide,” said Paul Mauro.

“We’re very big believers in having a financial planning team,” he added.

When creating the “comprehensive financial plan,” the different advisers are able to talk, collaborate and ultimately form something greater than they might have individually. It’s what has kept Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc.’s clients happy for decades.

And while Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. has had an incredible 50-year run, the firm is not resting on its laurels. Paul and Linda Mauro promised “new, exciting services for clients” in the near future.

Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc. is located at 1500 West Park Drive in Westborough. To contact Legacy Financial Advisors Inc., visit https://www.lfsadvisors.com/ or call (508) 482-9336.

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