‘Costume Karaoke’ in Southborough


SEDP operates an after-school program at Finn Elementary School. Photo/Laura Hayes
Costume Karaoke will take place at Finn Elementary School.
(Photo/Laura Hayes)

SOUTHBOROUGH – Take a break from your TV or computer screen and join in a “Costume Karaoke” on Friday, March 1, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Mary Finn School cafeteria, 60 Richards Road.

The event, part of the International Day of Unplugging, will feature Brighthouse DJs.

Admission is $5 per person online, $8 at the door. Pizza and drinks will be available for purchase.

Proceeds will benefit Southborough Recreation’s camp scholarship programs.

The event is sponsored by Southborough Youth and Family Services, Southborough Recreation and the Friends of Southborough Youth Commission.

Register via the Youth Commission page on the Southborough Recreation website, https://southboroughma.myrec.com/info/default.aspx.

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