GRAFTON – The last day to register to vote for the Annual Town Meeting on Monday, May 13, and local annual election on Tuesday, May 21, is Friday, May 3.
The town clerk’s office will hold registration hours on Friday, May 3, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. to register voters in person. If you plan to register by mail, your registration certificate must be postmarked by May 3.
Mail-in registration forms are available by calling the town clerk’s office at 839-5335, ext. 1300, or on the secretary of state’s website at You can also register to vote online at
If you registered to vote through the Registry of Motor Vehicles, a state agency, online or by mail and have not received an acknowledgement from the town clerk, please call the town clerk’s office at 839-5335, ext.1300, immediately.
If you wish to check your voter status, call 508-839-5335, ext. 1300.