SELCO celebrates Arbor Day at Dean Park


SELCO staff hand out bare-root trees during the Arbor Day event. (Photo/Evan Walsh)

SELCO staff hand out bare-root trees during the Arbor Day event. (Photo/Evan Walsh)

SHREWSBURY – For the 20th year, Shrewsbury Electric & Cable Operations (SELCO) celebrated Arbor Day on April 27 by distributing over 500 bare-root trees to community members. 

Residents had their choice of several different tree species, including paper birch, scarlet oak, granny smith apple, fragrant lilac and arrowwood viburnum. The trees were handed out at Dean Park; lines stretched back to the parking lot. 

When planted in the right place, trees provide shade, which can help cut down on energy costs. Of course, trees also sequester carbon and clean the air. Several town government bodies – including the Trails Committee – were also at the event.

“Our whole goal is to keep our planet thriving, a good way to do that is to cut our carbon emissions. We do that with all our rebates and programs, so this is just another benefit,” SELCO Communications Coordinator Valerie Clemmey said. “We really just love connecting with the community, so we love inviting people out. The trees have been really popular for a really long time.”

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