And they’re off! Rubber ducks race down the spillway in an attempt to win the derby. (Photo/Evan Walsh)
May the 4th Be with You Breakfast Fundraiser
Saturday, May 4, 9 a.m. to noon, Goodnow Brothers Elementary School, 441 Bolton St., Marlborough. Hosted by the MHS Music Department. Indulge in Death Star pancakes, Vader taters and Eggwoks, while enjoying Star War-themed activities and Cantina student performances. Proceeds will help cover expenses for the department’s 2025 trip to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania.
Cost — $15 for adults, $10 for students and seniors.
Children 3 years of age and younger eat free.
Electronics Recycling Event
Saturday, May 4, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., St. Mary’s Church, 17 Waterville St., North Grafton. Boy Scout Troop 106 is hosting. The event will also feature Free Scrap Metal Drop Off as well as a clothing donation drive. All electronics, appliances, items with a plug and/or batteries, as well as bicycles in any condition will be accepted and recycled for a small cost. For information on the price list, what may be recycled for free, and further information, email [email protected].
This event will be held rain or shine, and will be open to all communities.
Fishing Challenge
Saturday, May 4, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Minuteman Park, 91 Upton Road, Westborough. Free. Prizes will be awarded. Sponsored by the Westborough Civic Club.
Information: http://www.westborocivicclub.com/
Rubber Duck/Fancy Hat Event
Saturday, May 4. Have a special hat that’s perfect to show off during a race? Wear it to the Lions Club’s “Fancy Hat” contest that will be part of the annual Rubber Duck Derby at the Mill Pond Spillway, Mill Road, Westborough. Arrive at the Spillway by 10:30 a.m. for the hat contest. Prizes will be awarded for the most creative and most fashionable.
The contest is open to those 12 years of age and younger.
The duck race will begin at 11 a.m. The ducks will be simultaneously cast into the Spillway and will race to the finish line. The first-place duck earns their adopter $500, second-place duck earns $250, and third-place duck earns $100.
Adopt a duck – one of $10, three ducks for $25, one specialty duck for $30.
Proceeds from the Duck Derby will fund the club’s scholarship fund.
To learn more about the event or to adopt your ducks for the race, please visit https://westborolionsrubberduckderby.weebly.com/
Saturday, May 4, noon to 4 p.m., Hudson Town Hall and Main Street Bank. Come for an afternoon of live performances.
Information: https://www.discoverhudson.org/artsfest/
Labyrinth Day
Saturday, May 4, Trinity Episcopal Church, 440 Main St., Shrewsbury. Every year on the first Saturday in May, thousands of people around the globe walk on a labyrinth in honor of World Labyrinth Day. On this day, people of every age, denomination and background, are invited to “Walk as One at 1.” There will be mini-meditation sessions offered throughout the event, and a doughnut truck onsite for special treats. Please bring a yoga mat, if you have one, to participate in some optional activities.
The event will take place rain or shine, and is free. The activity will open at 12:15 p.m.; the walk will start at 1 p.m.
Spring Carnival
Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5, starting at 1 p.m. both days, Navin Arena, 451 Bolton St., Marlborough. Run by Fanelli Amusements. Rides, midway and more.
Information: https://fanelliamusements.com/events/13
‘We Will Rock You’
Saturday, May 4, 7 p.m., and Sunday, May 5, 2 p.m., Hudson High School auditorium. Presented by the Hudson High School Drama Society. Featuring the music of Queen. Tickets available at the door – $15 adults, $12 students and seniors.
Broadway Sensations
Saturday, May 4, 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, May 5, 2 p.m., Gibbons Middle School, Westborough. Presented by the Westborough Community Chorus. Tickets: $15 adults, $10 for seniors and students.
Information: https://www.westborocommunitychorus.com/
Family Fun Festival
Sunday, May 5, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Ward Park, Marlborough. The event will be held rain or shine. Entertainment, games, activities, food trucks, beer garden, artisans, raffles and more. Sponsored by the Marlborough Lions Club, the Marlborough Junior Women’s Club, the Marlborough Eagles and Marlborough Rotary.
Information: [email protected].