Monday, April 29
12:50 a.m. Turnpike Rd. Suspicious auto.
1:05 a.m. West Park Dr. Extra patrols/house checks.
1:59 a.m. Arrested, Juliano Da Silva Guzanksy, 23, of 12 Rodney St., Worcester, for unlicensed operation of MV, fail to stop for police, speeding, MV brakes violation.
8:37 a.m. Charlestown Meadows Dr. Extra patrols/house checks.
11:05 a.m. Upton Rd. Suspicious activity.
11:20 a.m. W Main St. Fraud.
1:36 p.m. Turnpike Rd. Larceny.
3:07 p.m. Ruggles St. AC, animal-complaint.
3:08 p.m. Milk St. Disturbance (general).
3:28 p.m. Turnpike Rd./Lyman St. Erratic operator.
4:11 p.m. Fisher St. Disturbance (general).
4:43 p.m. W Main St. Fraud.
5:20 p.m. W Main St. Identity theft.
5:27 p.m. Church/N Main Sts. Accident property damage.
7:48 p.m. Turnpike Rd. Vandalism.
9:51 p.m. Quick Farm Rd. Extra patrols/house checks.
Tuesday, April 30
1:01 a.m. Lyman St. Suspicious auto.
8:38 a.m. E Main St./Rogers Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
9:06 a.m. Milk/Maynard Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
9:28 a.m. Oak St. Disturbance (general).
10:29 a.m. W Main St./Mill Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
10:46 a.m. Turnpike Rd./E Main St. Accident property damage.
11:27 a.m. Friberg Pkwy. Extra patrols/house checks.
12:32 p.m. Turnpike Rd./Lyman St. Accident property damage.
3:38 p.m. Flanders Rd./E Main St. Accident property damage.
5:30 p.m. Milk St. AC, animal-complaint.
5:35 p.m. Fisher/Gleason Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
6:47 p.m. E Main St. Suspicious activity.
9:03 p.m. Oak St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
9:25 p.m. Lyman St. Suspicious person.
10:24 p.m. Connector Rd. Suspicious person.
10:32 p.m. Connector Rd. Suspicious activity.
Wednesday, May 1
12:18 a.m. Eli Whitney St. Extra patrols/house checks.
12:42 a.m. Fisher St. Extra patrols/house checks.
9:54 a.m. Flanders/Longmeadow Rds. Traffic/motor vehicle.
12:12 p.m. Ruggles/Forbes Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
12:28 p.m. Arrested, John Michael Lamanuzzi, 57, of 180 Chestnut St., Uxbridge, on straight warrant.
2:17 p.m. Oak St. Disturbance (general).
3:10 p.m. Computer Dr. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
3:10 p.m. Computer Dr. Well-being check.
6:28 p.m. E Main St./Turnpike Rd. Erratic operator.
Thursday, May 2
12:23 a.m. Connector Rd. Disturbance (general).
6:25 a.m. Maple Cir. Accident property damage.
8:40 a.m. E Main St. Suspicious auto.
9:39 a.m. Milk St. Disturbance (general).
10:52 a.m. E Main/Union Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
11:43 a.m. Arrested, Joseph Anellash Allen, 41, of 297 Turnpike Rd., Apt. 701, Westborough, for unregistered motor vehicle, op MV with license suspended, no inspection sticker, registration not in possession.
12:39 p.m. Quick Farm Rd. Extra patrols/house checks.
1:57 p.m. Milk St. Suspicious activity.
2:00 p.m. E Main/High Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
2:26 p.m. Milk/Boardman Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
3:53 p.m. Colonial Dr. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
5:44 p.m. Brady Rd Ext. Disturbance (general).
5:52 p.m. Flanders Rd. Illegal dumping.
6:30 p.m. W Main St. Disturbance (general).
8:04 p.m. Summer St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
8:36 p.m. Oak St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
10:53 p.m. Arrested, Gabriel Lebre, 31, of 297 Turnpike Rd., Apt. 101, Westborough, for op MV license suspended (criminal subsq. offse), no inspection sticker.
10:58 p.m. North Dr. Suspicious activity.
11:45 p.m. Powder Hill Way. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
Friday, May 3
2:15 a.m. Fisher St. Extra patrols/house checks.
3:58 a.m. North Dr. Suspicious person.
6:13 a.m. North Dr. Suspicious person.
7:19 a.m. Milk St./Robin Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
7:39 a.m. Flanders/Connector Rds. AC, animal-complaint.
9:35 a.m. Research Dr./Connector Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
11:58 a.m. Flanders Rd. Road/tree.
12:54 p.m. O’Neil Dr. Road/tree.
1:05 p.m. Flanders Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
1:20 p.m. Flanders/Connector Rds. Traffic/motor vehicle.
1:42 p.m. Lyman/Chauncy Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
1:45 p.m. Flanders Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
2:41 p.m. Chauncy St. Traffic/motor vehicle.
4:44 p.m. Turnpike Rd./Lyman St. Erratic operator.
5:42 p.m. E Main St. Accident property damage.
11:08 p.m. South St. Well-being check.
Saturday, May 4
12:55 a.m. Rogers Rd. Extra patrols/house checks.
1:56 a.m. West park Dr. Extra patrols/house checks.
2:58 a.m. Lyman St. Disturbance (general).
7:39 a.m. Brigham St. Accident property damage.
8:41 a.m. Flanders Rd. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
8:59 a.m. Hopkinton Rd. Road/tree.
9:08 a.m. Phillips St. Accident property damage.
9:17 a.m. E Main St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
10:37 a.m. Arrested, Roberthy Rocha, 19, of 61 Lake St., Shrewsbury, for op MV with license suspended.
1:41 p.m. Hundreds Rd. AC, animal-removal.
4:15 p.m. Cedar St. Parking violation/complaint.
5:40 p.m. Otis St. Disturbance (general).
6:22 p.m. Oak St. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
9:49 p.m. Smith Pkwy. Fire, EMS (ambulance).
10:43 p.m. Milk/Fisher Sts. Suspicious auto.
Sunday, May 5
12:54 a.m. Turnpike Rd. Disturbance (general).
2:18 a.m. West Park Dr. Extra patrols/house checks.
3:25 a.m. Technology Dr. Suspicious auto.
3:58 a.m. Connector Rd. Suspicious auto.
8:48 a.m. Research Dr./Connector Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
9:08 a.m. School/Cross Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
10:45 a.m. Robin Rd. AC, animal-assist.
11:23 a.m. Otis/Fisher Sts. Traffic/motor vehicle.
11:50 a.m. Flanders Rd. Traffic/motor vehicle.
1:17 p.m. E Main St./Jacob Amsden Rd. Extra patrols/house checks.
2:37 p.m. Chauncy St. Suspicious auto.
6:40 p.m. Jasper St./Benjamin Dr. AC, animal-assist.
8:47 p.m. Charlestown Meadows Dr. Traffic/motor vehicle.
The information from the police log is obtained directly from the official records maintained at each police station in our circulation area. It contains arrests and samplings of police activity. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. The Community Advocate will publish news of acquittals upon notification and a copy of court-issued documentation.