Wednesday, June 5
8:41 a.m. South/Floral Sts. Animal complaint.
8:48 a.m. Floral/Walnut Sts. Animal complaint.
10:28 a.m. Clinton St. Suspicious person/MV.
12:45 p.m. Pratt Ln. Aid to public.
1:16 p.m. Keyes House Rd. Threats.
3:30 p.m. Reuben Cir. Aid to public.
3:57 p.m. Maple Ave. Aid to public.
4:37 p.m. Hartford Tpke. Suspicious person/MV.
5:45 p.m. Pal dr. Medical call.
6:11 p.m. Hartford Tpke. Suspicious person/MV.
7:20 p.m. Lakeview Ave. Suspicious person/MV.
7:45 p.m. Shrewsbury Green Dr. Aid to public.
7:48 p.m. Arrested, Kelvin Manu, 22, of 17 Nutmeg Dr., Worcester, for unregistered vehicle, attach plate not assigned, oper MV with license suspended/revoked, number plate violation.
Thursday, June 6
3:32 a.m. Brookdale Cir. Medical call.
8:46 a.m. Maple Ave. Road hazard – trees/wires/debris.
9:01 a.m. Walnut St. Animal complaint.
9:57 a.m. Gage Ln. Identity theft.
10:57 a.m. Heritage Rd. Animal complaint.
1:02 p.m. Oval Dr. Medical call.
1:50 p.m. Main St. Suspicious person/MV.
3:46 p.m. Turtle Creek Cir. Animal complaint.
4:07 p.m. Harrington Ave. Suspicious person/MV.
4:57 p.m. Amherst Rd. Suspicious person/MV.
5:11 p.m. Spring St. Road hazard – trees/wires/debris.
5:26 p.m. Avalon Way. Disturbance.
7:47 p.m. Arrested, Emanuel Rodriguez, 26, of 35 Lafayette St., Apt. 1R, Worcester, on warrants.
9:30 p.m. Wesleyan St. Dispute.
Friday, June 7
4:10 a.m. Main Blvd. Well-being check.
7:55 a.m. Stone Meadow Farm D, Suspicious person/MV.
9:37 a.m. Grafton St. Suspicious person/MV.
10:07 a.m. Valley Forge Dr. Identity theft.
11:26 a.m. Commerce Rd. Aid to business.
11:34 a.m. Water St. Animal complaint.
11:45 a.m. Hunting Ave. Medical call.
1:33 p.m. Westwood Rd. Identity theft.
1:46 p.m. Arrested, Cheryl A. Polselli, 66, of 151 Hartford Tpke., Lot 29, Shrewsbury, for shoplifting by asportation 3rd offse.
4:05 p.m. Ladyslipper Dr. Medical call.
5:35 p.m. Hartford Tpke. Accident with injury.
6:35 p.m. Oak St. Animal complaint.
7:26 p.m. Harrington Farms. Medical call.
7:58 p.m. South Quinsigamond. Aid to public.
10:35 p.m. Main St. Suspicious person/MV.
Saturday, June 8
1:26 a.m. Sheridan Dr. Medical call.
3:49 a.m. Park Grove Ln. Medical call.
4:01 a.m. South St. Aid to public.
9:51 a.m. Tatum Rd. Aid to public.
10:06 a.m. Lamplighter Dr. Suspicious person/MV.
12:06 p.m. Lake St. Identity theft.
1:30 p.m. Caroline Ave. Road hazard – trees/wires/debris.
2:40 p.m. Colton Ln. Aid to public.
4:19 p.m. Sandpiper Dr. Animal complaint.
4:41 p.m. Arrested, Elvett Ivor Welch, 62, of 165 Greenfield Rd., Mattapan, on warrant.
5:12 p.m. Cortland Grove Dr. B&E attempted.
8:17 p.m. Hawthorne Rd. Medial call.
9:28 p.m. Walnut St. Medical call.
10:43 p.m. Dean Dr. Suspicious person/MV.
11:39 p.m. Wesleyan Terr. Suspicious person/MV.
Sunday, June 9
2:27 a.m. Pleasant St. Suspicious person/MV.
2:45 a.m. East Bound Mile Marker 25.8. Accident with injury.
5:59 a.m. Arrested, Carlos Manuel Torres, 54, of 2 Main St., Apt. 127, Worcester, for possession Class B substance, receive stolen property -$1200, conspiracy, possess counterfeit note; Javier Camacho, 42, of 19 Sturgis St., Apt. 3, Worcester, for possess Class B substance subsequent offense, receive stolen property -$1200, conspiracy, possess counterfeit note; and Aixa Enid Cruz Montero, 48, of 2 Main St., Apt. 135, Worcester, for receive stolen property -$1200, conspiracy, possession Class B substance, possess counterfeit note, possess Class A substance.
8:42 a.m. Bumblebee Cir. Animal complaint.
11:48 a.m. Avalon Way. Threats.
11:51 a.m. Maple Ave. Illegal dumping.
12:01 p.m. Hunting Ave. Medical call.
3:11 p.m. Harrington Ave. Medical call.
3:51 p.m. Lakeside Path. Identity theft.
4:56 p.m. School St. Threats.
5:32 p.m. Maple Cir. Road hazard – trees/wires/debris.
5:39 p.m. Hapgood Way. Aid to public.
5:53 p.m. Lake St. Well-being check.
8:48 p.m. Ruthen Cir. Animal complaint.
8:55 p.m. Arrested, Susan Angela Moquin, 45, of 21 B Queen St., Apt. 1, Worcester, for shoplifting $100+ by concealing merchandise, warrant.
Monday, June 10
12:28 a.m. Prospect St. Medical call.
1:24 a.m. North Quinsigamond. Suspicious person/MV.
1:31 a.m. Holden St. Suspicious person/MV.
3:18 a.m. Bruce Ave. Medical call.
5:10 a.m. Main St. Well-being check.
8:43 a.m. Arrested, Jian Guo Deng, 54, of 206 55 46th Rd., Apt. 1, Bayside, NY, on warrants.
9:12 a.m. Elizabeth St. Medical call.
10:55 a.m. Eagle Dr. Suspicious person/MV.
12:15 p.m. Dewey Rd. Road hazard – trees/wires/debris.
12:35 p.m. Childs St. Threats.
12:36 p.m. Cortland Grove Dr. Aid to public.
3:22 p.m. Clinton St. Medical call.
5:04 p.m. Churchill Rd. B&E attempted.
5:40 p.m. Bruce Ave. Medical call.
7:04 p.m. Everett Ave. Aid to public.
7:33 p.m. Overlook Ave. Dispute.
7:38 p.m. Arrested, Damien Lee Ruppert, 30, of 12 Perry St., Apt. 15, North Grafton, for OUI liquor, neg operation of MV (operate to endanger), drink alcohol from open container in MV, speeding in violation special regulations.
9:10 p.m. Edgemere Blvd. Suspicious person/MV.
Tuesday, June 11
3:28 a.m. Coachman Ridge Rd. Medical call.
10:33 a.m. Floral St. Medical call.
12:26 p.m. Browning Rd. Suspicious person/MV.
2:31 p.m. Laurel Ridge Ln. Animal complaint.
2:41 p.m. Monroe St. Harassment.
2:53 p.m. Julio Dr. Identity theft.
3:26 p.m. Hartford Tpke. Animal complaint.
4:54 p.m. Hartford Tpke. Traffic complaint.
5:22 p.m. Walnut St. Medical call.
7:40 p.m. Boston Tpke. Road hazard – trees/wires/debris.
9:28 p.m. Heatherwood Dr. Well-being check.
9:39 p.m. Lake St. Suspicious person/MV.
Wednesday, June 12
12:03 a.m. Shady Lane Ave. Medical call.
2:50 a.m. Shrewsbury Green Dr. Medical call.
9:36 a.m. Boylston St. Animal complaint.
10:09 a.m. Commerce Rd. Aid to business.
11:16 a.m. Sycamore Rd. Medical call.
12:01 p.m. Eaglehead Terr. Aid to public.
12:12 p.m. Eaton Ave. Medical call.
1:39 p.m. Jamie Ln. Animal complaint.
2:43 p.m. Harrington Ave. Medical call.
3:05 p.m. Svenson Rd. Aid to business.
4:07 p.m. Hartford Tpke. Larceny.
4:23 p.m. Park St. Suspicious person/MV.
4:45 p.m. Edgewater Ave. Suspicious person/MV.
5:00 p.m. Arrested, Paulo Viana Reis, 38, of 488 Park Ave., Worcester, on warrant.
5:36 Main St. Aid to public.
7:31 p.m. Bay View Dr. Animal complaint.
7:38 p.m. Knollwood Dr. Medical call.
7:47 p.m. Maple Ave. Suspicious person/MV.
9:02 p.m. Pleasant St. Well-being check.
9:40 p.m. Hartford Tpke. Suspicious person/MV.
9:50 p.m. Edgemere Blvd. Suspicious person/MV.
The information from the police log is obtained directly from the official records maintained at each police station in our circulation area. It contains arrests and samplings of police activity. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. The Community Advocate will publish news of acquittals upon notification and a copy of court-issued documentation.