Metro West Mini Splits is a veteran-owned HVAC company


Metro West Mini Splits is a veteran-owned HVAC companySOUTHBOROUGH – Metro West Mini Splits is a local veteran-owned business that has a combined 50 years of experience.

The two owners – Jamie Falconi and Alan Diodato – have been friends since childhood, and they decided to put their skills to work by starting a business together.

Metro West Mini Splits is a heat pump and full-service HVAC company that takes pride in providing quality installation and service in addition to unbeatable customer service. They offer installation, service and maintenance of heat pumps, mini splits and other HVAC equipment. 

The company concentrates on MetroWest. They also focus on heat pumps because after years in the oil industry, the staff is excited to help people reduce their carbon footprint, become more efficient, save money and have a healthier and comfortable home environment.

For more information, call 508-481-1357 or visit

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