Shrewsbury police log, Aug. 2 edition


Shrewsbury police log, Aug. 2 editionShrewsbury

Wednesday, July 17

8:37 a.m. Stonybrook Ln. Aid to public.

10:05 a.m. Walnut St. Medical call.

10:06 a.m. Maple Ave. Aid to public.

10:15 a.m. Park St. Aid to public.

11:10 a.m. Main St. Suspicious person/MV.

12:04 p.m. Sheryl Dr. Threats.

12:25 p.m. Arbor Dr. Medical call.

12:29 p.m. Arch St. Road hazard – trees/wires/debris.

1:57 p.m. Linwood Dr. Medical call.

3:22 p.m. Arbor Dr. Medical call.

3:27 p.m. Lear Street North. Animal complaint.

3:29 p.m. Eagle Dr. Animal complaint.

4:58 p.m. Hillside Dr. Aid to public.

6:29 p.m. Cypress Ave. Medical call.

7:11 p.m. Grafton St. Aid to public.

9:20 p.m. Buttercup Ln. Traffic complaint.

11:20 p.m. Tavern St. Medical call.

Thursday, July 18

6:09 a.m. Brookdale Cir. Medical call.

6:58 a.m. Gifford Dr. Medical call.

10:17 a.m. Whitney St. Animal complaint.

10:59 a.m. Water St./South Quinsigamond. Animal complaint.

12:27 p.m. Arbor Dr. Aid to public.

12:44 p.m. Hancock St. B&E residential.

12:46 p.m. Boylston St. Harassment.

2:18 p.m. Hillside Dr. Aid to public.

2:24 p.m. Maple Ave. Larceny.

3:36 p.m. Hartford Tpke. Preserve the peace.

4:28 p.m. Fairmont Ave. Identity theft.

5:03 p.m. Walnut St. Road hazard – trees/wires/debris.

6:37 p.m. Edgewood Rd. Medical call.

7:39 p.m. Pleasant St. Aid to public.

8:49 p.m. Oak St. Disturbance.

10:18 p.m. South St. Suspicious person/MV.

10:24 p.m. Municipal Dr. Suspicious person/MV.

11:20 p.m. Anglin Ln. Medical call.

Friday, July 19

12:13 a.m. Sheridan Dr. Suspicious person/MV.

The information from the police log is obtained directly from the official records maintained at each police station in our circulation area. It contains arrests and samplings of police activity. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. The Community Advocate will publish news of acquittals upon notification and a copy of court-issued documentation.

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