Marlborough police log, Aug. 23 edition


Marlborough police log, Aug. 23 editionMarlborough

Wednesday, Aug. 7

8:53 a.m. Orchard Street Academy/Orchard St. Fraud/forgery.

9:41 a.m. Marlborough Hospital/Union St. Disturbances.

9:54 a.m. RTN Credit Union/BPRE. Larceny.

10:55 a.m. Bank of America/BPRW. MVA property damage only.

11:29 a.m. Broad/West Main Sts. Well-being check.

12:49 p.m. Scott Pharma Solutions/Bartlett St. Fraud/forgery.

1:37 p.m. Shawmut Ave./Church St. Suspicious activity.

2:30 p.m. Anderson Rd. Harassment.

3:18 p.m. Pump Station/Lakeside Ave. Suspicious activity.

5:29 p.m. Orchard Street Academy/Orchard St. Suspicious activity.

6:40 p.m. Ash St. Well-being check.

7:06 p.m. Stone Gate Apartments/Saint Ives Way. Suspicious activity.

8:01 p.m. Hosmer St./Spoonhill Ave. Suspicious MV.

8:25 p.m. Extended Stay America/Northboro Road East. Suspicious activity.

10:01 p.m. State St. MVA property damage only.

Thursday, Aug. 8

2:44 a.m. Phelps St. Well-being check.

4:54 a.m. The Russell House/Main St. Disturbance.

7:06 a.m. IPG Photonics/Simarano Dr. MVA property damage only.

9:18 a.m. Arrested, Kimberlee A. Discher, 48, of 21 Gulbankian Dr., Marlborough, on true warrant.

9:37 a.m. Starbucks/South Bolton St. MVA property damage only.

9:52 a.m. Kosa Dispensary/BPRW. Disturbance.

10:20 a.m. Davis Companies Inc./BPRW. Harassment.

10:30 a.m. East Main/Church Sts. Suspicious activity.

10:52 a.m. Kelleher St. Harassment.

12:47 p.m. SMOC Marlborough Child Care/Forest St. Assault.

3:03 p.m. Holiday Inn/Lakeside Ave. MVA property damage only.

3:44 p.m. Lincoln/Pleasant Sts. MVA property damage only.

4:26 p.m. 7-Eleven Convenience Store/Broad St. Disturbance.

10:54 p.m. Life For All New England Church/BPRE. MVA property damage only.

10:56 p.m. Longhorn Steak House/BPRW. Threats.

Friday, Aug. 9

8:49 a.m. Lincoln/Winter Sts. MVA property damage only.

9:20 a.m. Lakeside Ave./Felton St. MVA with injuries.

10:49 a.m. Fyzical Therapy and Balance/East Main St. Disturbance.

11:44 a.m. Clinton St. Fraud/forgery.

1:39 p.m. Church St. Threats.

2:26 p.m. Shelly Ln. Well-being check.

4:25 p.m. Cross St. Harassment.

7:51 p.m. Holly Hill Ln. Larceny.

7:52 p.m. Clover Hill St. Harassment.

9:03 p.m. Bolton St. MVA property damage only.

10:04 p.m. Elm/Pleasant Sts. MVA property damage only.

10:08 p.m. Fahey St. Suspicious activity.

Saturday, Aug. 10

1:20 a.m. Hannaford Super Market/BPRW. Disturbance.

1:48 a.m. Pitol Landscape/Berlin Rd. Disturbance.

2:36 a.m. McDonald’s Restaurant/Maple St. Well-being check.

2:46 a.m. Maple/Walker Sts. Well-being check.

3:15 a.m. Marlborough Hospital/Union St. Disturbance.

12:52 p.m. Hosmer St. Vandalism.

12:55 p.m. Hosmer St./Miles Standish Dr. MVA property damage only.

1:06 p.m. Neil St. Harassment.

1:20 p.m. Fairmount St. Disturbance.

4:42 p.m. Stone Gate Apartments/Redbud Way. Larceny.

5:27 p.m. Apex Entertainment (Main Site)/Apex Dr. MVA property damage only.

6:23 p.m. Arrested, Andrew Gainsboro Cooper, 30, of 6 Royal Crest Dr., Apt. 11, Marlborough, for OUI-liquor or .08%, leave scene of property damage, marked lanes violation.

7:20 p.m. Ames St./Reilly Way. MVA property damage only.

8:54 p.m. Olive Garden/Donald J. Lynch Blvd. Larceny.

10:07 p.m. La Tapatia Restaurant/BPRE. Trespassing.

10:32 p.m. Orchard Street Academy/Orchard St. Suspicious activity.

Sunday, Aug. 11

12:11 a.m. The Heights at Marlborough Apartments/Briarwood Ln. Disturbance.

1:44 a.m. St. Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church/Central St. Trespassing.

3:12 a.m. Tremont St. Well-being check.

7:38 a.m. Howe St. Threats.

8:38 a.m. Arrested, Orlando Jose Ferreira De Oliveira, 22, of 1 Royal Crest Dr., Apt. 1, Marlborough, for fail to stop for police, op MV with license suspended/revoked, motorcycle equipment violation, passing violation, negligent operation of motor vehicle.

11:41 a.m. Lincoln/Broad Sts. Disturbance.

1:40 p.m. Kirby St. Suspicious activity.

5:14 p.m. Embassy Suites Hotel/BPRW. Larceny.

5:22 p.m. Marlborough Hills Health Care/Northboro Road East. Assault.

6:52 p.m. Lalos Restaurant/Lincoln St. MVA property damage only.

7:44 p.m. Stevens/Union Sts. Well-being check.

8:18 p.m. Royal Crest Apartments/Royal Crest Dr. Disturbance.

10:34 p.m. Princeton Green Apartments/Farm Rd. Threats.

11:02 p.m. Adams St. Disturbance.

Monday, Aug. 12

7:54 a.m. Marlborough Hills Health Care/Northboro Road East. Disturbance.

10:15 a.m. Fairmount St. Harassment.

10:29 a.m. Clover Hill St. Animal complaint.

10:32 a.m. The Heights at Marlborough Apts./Briarwood Ln. Disturbance.

12:36 p.m. Bolton/High Sts. MVA property damage only.

2:40 p.m. Valvoline/BPRE. Suspicious activity.

4:13 p.m. Lincoln St. Fraud/forgery.

6:19 p.m. Academy Knoll Apts./Broad St. MVA property damage only.

6:51 p.m. Church St. Animal complaint.

8:56 p.m. Cook Ln./Kane Dr. Suspicious MV.

8:57 p.m. Broadmeadow Rd. Larceny.

9:46 p.m. Mechanic/Central Sts. MVA property damage only.

Tuesday, Aug. 13

1:08 a.m. Bolton/Union Sts. Well-being check.

5:41 a.m. Broad St. MVA property damage only.

The information from the police log is obtained directly from the official records maintained at each police station in our circulation area. It contains arrests and samplings of police activity. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. The Community Advocate will publish news of acquittals upon notification and a copy of court-issued documentation.

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