A look at Sandra Pond from Minuteman Park. Westborough residents are invited to help shape the town’s open space and recreation plan.
(Photo/Dakota Antelman)
WESTBOROUGH – Residents are invited to help shape the future of the town’s open space and recreation plan by providing input at a public outreach session on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 6:30 p.m. in the Great Hall, Forbes Municipal Building, 45 W. Main St.
Town staff will host a drop-in hour from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. prior to the meeting.
Come share your thoughts as the town assesses its current facilities and future needs through a plan update.
Read the town’s 2018-2025 plan and participate in the process at https://www.westboroughma.gov/987/Open-Space-and-Recreation-Plan
Questions? Email [email protected], or call the Conservation Department at 508-366-3014.