Neighbors object to plans for pickleball facility


Neighbors object to plans for pickleball facility
A rendition of the proposed pickleball facility on Airport Boulevard. (Photo/Courtesy Ambidextrous Ventures LLC)

MARLBOROUGH – A proposed pickleball facility on Airport Boulevard is drawing concern from neighbors.

Pamela Brown, attorney for the applicant, Ambidextrous Ventures LLC, presented details during a City Council public hearing on Monday, Aug. 19.

The applicant has applied for a special permit to build a 19,950-square-foot building on an 85,337-square-foot lot within the limited industrial zoning district.

The facility would include six indoor courts; a small practice court; a pro shop; and restrooms. There would also be an outdoor court, picnic area and 76 parking spaces.

The outdoor court that has raised objections from abutters.

“I have concerns about the outdoor court,” said Ed Barry. 

He said the facility should be at least 970 feet from adjacent residences.

According to Brown, the outdoor court would be about 400 feet from the nearest residence. However, the main facility would be between the outdoor court and the residences.

City Councilor Mark Oram asked whether the outdoor court could be removed from the proposal.

Neighbors also spoke up about possible issues with noise and traffic.

“It’s zoned for light industrial. I don’t think it’s the right spot for this,” said Bob Grant, another abutter.

The City Council has sent the proposal to the Urban Affairs Committee.

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