WESTBOROUGH – When the Special Fall Town Meeting convenes on Monday, Oct. 21, residents will decide on the next stages for the golf club and the community center.
Golf club
Article 10 will ask the town to provide $450,000 toward design development, public engagement, a detailed cost estimate and creation of bid documents for the Westborough Golf Club building.
On Thursday, Sept. 26, the Municipal Building Committee met with representatives from the New England Restaurant Group. They discussed the possibilities of having a restaurant in the building.
“We can help land the plane,” said Paul Turano, owner of the restaurant group, on helping the town determine what could go into the space, and how much it would cost.
Should a restaurant open in the club, it could generate up to $150,000 in lease payments to the town.
Those payments would go toward paying off the loan needed to either renovate or rebuild the golf club building.
The town’s goal is to have the project paid off with funds from the Golf Club Enterprise Fund and not with taxpayer dollars.
The committee will meet on Thursday, Oct. 17; the committee is expected to decide on the rebuild or renovation option and receive an executive summary from Bechtel, Frank, Erickson Architects, the firm in charge of the feasibility study.
Preliminary costs could range from $7.2 million (for the rebuild) to $8.3 million (for the renovation).
Learn more at https://ma-westborough.civicplus.com/1219/Westborough-Golf-Club-Building
Community Center
Now that the Recreation Department has moved into the second floor of the community center, the town is preparing for the next phase.
Article 9 will request $1,120,713 to fund design development, further public engagement, a detailed cost estimate and creation of bid documents for the community center.
After a series of meetings over the summer, project architects BH+A presented three design alternatives, plus a fourth “preferred” design.
The costs to fit up the community center could range from $15.5 million to $25 million.
For information about this project, go to Find out the latest on the proposal at https://ma-westborough.civicplus.com/917/Westborough-Community-Center
Other articles
The warrant includes requests to approve financial obligations under the new Fire Department contract; transfer $95,000 from Sewer Retained Earnings to replace a backup generator; a trail easement at Otis Street; and amend zoning bylaws for inclusionary housing and the Highway Business District.
The Special Fall Town Meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium. View the complete warrant at https://www.westboroughma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/4238/2024-Fall-STM-Warrant?bidId=