Possible violations bring Westboro Mobil back before board


Westboro Mobil is located at 24 East Main Street, as seen in this photo from 2022. (Photo/Laura Hayes)

Westboro Mobil is located at 24 East Main Street, as seen in this photo from 2022. (Photo/Laura Hayes)

WESTBOROUGH – A local gas station is facing scrutiny from the Select Board again.

During their Tuesday, Oct. 8, meeting, board members began a compliance review for the Class 2 dealer’s license for Westboro Mobil at 24 E. Main St.

Jack Azar, owner of the service station, appeared with his attorney, David McKay.

“He’s been operating the station in good faith,” said McKay.

Azar last came before the board early in 2023, when his Class 2 dealer’s license was renewed after it was suspended in summer 2022. As part of the renewal, the site was to have no more than five vehicles for sale; keep the driveways cleared; and have a spot for handicapped parking clearly marked.

McKay said that Azar had followed those conditions. However, several Select Board members questioned several possible violations, including the handicapped spot and vehicles parked illegally.

While viewing photos presented by Azar and McKay, Select Board member Shelby Marshall asked where the handicapped spot was located; Azar showed the location, which includes a sign.

RELATED CONTENT: Westboro Mobil keeps its Class II dealer’s license

Board member Allen Edinberg asked about the parking area at the High Street side. He said the area “needs to be properly marked,” and that it needs to be accessible by van. Azar said the area had been painted, but the marks faded quickly. He has since repainted the stripes.

There was also a vehicle parked at one of the pumps. According to Azar, the vehicle belonged to one of the employees; the pump was blocked off because it’s broken and about to be replaced.

The issue that drew the most discussion was unregistered vehicles that may have been parked illegally. Sometime in September, the town’s zoning enforcement officer noticed several vehicles parked on a nearby property. According to Azar, the vehicles belonged to a friend who needed storage; Azar said the vehicles could not be stored at the Mobil station and connected the friend to the owner of the nearby lot.

“I’m trying really hard to comply,” he said. “I’m doing my best to keep the place clean.”

Board members expressed their frustration at having Westboro Mobil before the board yet again.

“I feel like we are babysitting you,” said Marshall. “This is not fun for any of us.”

When McKay asked why this particular business has to go before the board, Edinberg cited that over the years, the business has accumulated “50 permit violations.”

“That’s why this has the attention of the board,” he said.

McKay said, “I think he’s trying to make a good-faith effort” to comply with the conditions.

The board decided to continue the hearing. They also requested an updated parking plan and to have safety officers check the site for proper parking marks.

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